Thank you. Your donation will help us to continue giving hope to those affected by secondary breast cancer.
Our vision is to help people with secondary breast cancer live longer and better lives. We do this through sharing information and practical advice so that our community feels more empowered and educated about treatment options and clinical trials; funding vital secondary breast cancer research; and enabling peer-to-peer and online support groups and retreats, with a focus on quality of life.
Where does your donation go?
Your kind donation will contribute to our research and support programmes:
A gift of £20 could fund the Little C Club resource cards to help parents explain their breast cancer diagnosis to their children.
A gift of £60 could fund two appointments with our Clinical Trial Nurses, helping those living with secondary breast cancer explore clinical trials as part of their treatment pathway.
A gift of £100 could help pay for the set-up, organisation and running of a Tea & Chat group, bringing patients together for wellbeing and peer-to-peer support.
A gift of £500 could fund a place on a 2nds Together Retreat, giving a person living with secondary breast cancer an important break from their constant treatment and a time to rest, relax and build friendships.
A gift of £1,000 could help to fund vital research into secondary breast cancer, helping our community live longer and better lives with the advancement of new treatment options.
Together we can Make 2nds Count!
Pay in fundraising activity,
collection or sponsorship money
We invite you to leave a dedication in honour or memory of a loved one on our Tree of Hope.