We asked our online '2nds Together' community group for their situations with work and living with secondary (metastatic) breast cancer. 

Here are some of the insights from the initial 80 people who completed our questionnaire.

All responses at present are female and age range is from 28 to 65.





What support or resource would you find useful and/or helpful to continue working while living with SBC?

Here are just some of the suggestions our community shared:

  • Guide to dealing with occupational health
  • Guide to the Disability Act and employers responsibility 
  • Ill health retirement and reasonable adjustments in the workplace
  • Practical help living alone
  • Benefit advice
  • Shared experience - tools for making full time work still satisfying or how to talk to your colleagues about your diagnosis and still be treated equal. 
  • Support groups that run outside normal working hours
  • Accessing pensions
  • Information leaflets for employers to help them understand our diagnosis
  • A community to help navigate this. 
  • Self employed help
  • CV support
  • Hybrid working

This is just a small number of the responses we have had from our initial questionnaire and we will be looking at helping with these, and more, over the coming months.  We will be featuring a monthly blog on different topics surrounding working life. 

Our first feature blog will publish in September.