At Make 2nds Count, our mission is to give hope to those affected by secondary (metastatic) breast cancer and our vision is to see our community live longer, better lives.
Now in our seventh year, with a team of 12 paid staff and 7 trustees, and we are as dedicated as ever to our mission. None of this would be possible without the incredible fundraising efforts from our wonderful supporters and funding partners.
In 2024, we’ve joined a number of cancer coalitions to make sure our voice, and that of our community, is counted. We are now members of the NI Cancer Coalition, One Cancer Voice, and the Scottish Cancer Cross-Party Group. We are also a stakeholder in a number of NICE drug consultations to try to influence treatment recommendations.
Our Clinical Trials Service continues to expand, helping patients to understand the potential of trials and have empowered conversations with their care teams. We have also begun round table discussions with clinical teams to try to understand the barriers to accessing trials and hope to share important findings with decision-makers in 2025.
A huge success for us was the launch of the UK’s first Secondary Breast Cancer Patient Summit, in partnership with ECMC and The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust with almost 500 people attending online and in-person. And our support and wellbeing programme continues to thrive with new activities and events, including our first retreat in South-East England.
This year’s impact report is a testament to the extraordinary work you’ve made possible. On behalf of people living with secondary breast cancer across the UK, thank you so much for your continued support.
Annual Accounts
Report of the Trustees and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2023