We need you to help us raise £365k in 365 days so that together, we will have raised £1,000,000 for research. DONATE

Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

Impact Reports



2023 Impact report

Giving hope to those affected by secondary breast cancer


The past year has been an exciting year of growth for us. We have been delighted to see an increase in our online and in-person support programme in terms of attendees and number of events, and our yearly retreats continue to be popular.

Our Patient Trial Advocate service continues to expand, helping patients by connecting them with clinical trials across the UK that have the potential to improve outcomes and extend life. Our online clinical trials registry also launched, providing up-to-date information for patients.

In the area of research, we launched our first UK-wide open research funding call asking for research ideas designed to deliver tangible outcomes for people living with secondary breast cancer within the next five years. We have been overwhelmed by the responses and will be excited to announce our chosen project in Summer 2024.

None of this would be possible without our passionate staff team, and the extraordinary support from our secondary breast cancer community, fundraisers, donors, volunteers and community ambassadors who believe in our mission and do all they can to make a difference. On behalf on the Board of Trustees, thank you - Make 2nds Count continues to thrive because of everything you do.

Read our current 2023 Impact Report here

Our 2022 Impact Report is here