During our tea and chats and online discussions we are increasingly hearing work related stories and requests for information and help. We think this is an area that is underrepresented and supported and we want to do more to support the SBC community. 

Whether you are newly diagnosed and still figuring it out, are needing to work regardless of your diagnosis, have had to make adjustments at work or want to continue to work…we would love to hear from as many of you as possible.

We have joined forces with Victoria Pollard to work on a community hub of information, resources and advice for those who are living with secondary breast cancer who are navigating that alongside remaining in work. 



What would you like to find out more about?

Who would you like to hear from?

Send an email to support@make2ndscount.co.uk and we'll see what we can do! 


Who is Victoria?

My name is Victoria Pollard (NOT Vicky Pollard ;)) and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer in November 2021. At the time my daughter and son were 9 & 12. I have a well-established career as a senior strategist and expert in digital communications and content. In 2021, I had just set up my own consultancy and was lucky to be working with some great clients, doing work I loved, with people I wanted to work with. However, my diagnosis changed that story overnight. I was self-employed and did not have the security of an employer (or insurance) so I worked through my diagnosis, treatment and road to stability. I also largely kept my health story secret in my working world - including from my clients and most colleagues - because I was scared of people thinking of me differently and the cancer story detracting from my professional value.  I was literally in survival mode across all aspects of life, including work. What saw me through that period was phenomenal support from close business partners and network, my friends and family - not to mention sheer will (with the odd wobbly day or 10!)

Fast forward two years, I have been stable for a while, have learnt a lot about living and working with SBC and I am now ready to be braver and pursue my career and a new version of my working life. I also want to be a voice and advocate for those of us who either want to or have no choice but to enjoy a working life whilst living with SBC and Stage 4 cancer.  I think this aspect of our ‘treatment plan’ is under-represented so I am so excited to be working with M2C to help gander a community of working people who can be there to share experiences, get access to the experts, support and help each other.

Find out more at SBC & my working life and join in the conversation, make connections, support each other and share your stories about working life with SBC, you can find mine @workingmeandthebigc