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Abseiling the Falkirk Wheel - Justine's Story

19th January 2025 by Clare Cox


Justine Bradd overcame her fear of heights for an incredible fundraising challenge for Make 2nds Count last year, abseiling the infamous 100ft Falkirk Wheel. She tells us what has led her to do this challenge.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I live in East Lothian with my fiance and two children. I work as a Community Development Officer. I enjoy being outdoors, meeting friends and in the last year have gotten back into exercising. I'm a bubbly person who likes to give things a go.

Can you tell me about the challenge you took on and why you chose that challenge?
Turning 40 in 2024, I wanted to challenge myself by doing different things. I have a huge fear of heights so I really wanted to test myself by doing the abseil.
Can you tell me about the challenge on the day and how it made you feel completing the challenge?
Naturally I was nervous, but also a little bit excited to be pushing out my comfort zone. My best friend was also doing the challenge and that definitely helped a lot. We've been friends for almost 30 years so to have her by my side for another experience was fab and we got each other through it together. 
I felt not too bad up until it was time to go over the edge, I felt I couldn't do it. But with encouragement and seeing my friend go first I knew I had to do it. It was actually good fun and that feeling of accomplishment when my feet touched the ground was amazing. Having family and other friends there to cheer us on was the best.

What would you say to someone who is considering taking on the Falkirk Wheel challenge but is unsure?
Do it, push yourself out that comfort zone and don't live the rest of your life thinking "I wish I'd done that when I could". I did have a wobbly moment going over the edge but the staff assisting were brilliant, told me he believed i could do it and he was right.
What fundraising advice do you have?
Do anything you can, share on social media, have paper sponsor forms for friends, family and work colleagues, do a bake sale. Anything you can think of to raise money for this amazing charity just go for it.

Is there anything else you would like us to include?
The abseil is one of many fundraising activities Make 2nds Count does. I'm proud of myself for doing this challenge and I'm already signing up for the 5k tough mudder for 2025. My next challenge - pushing my upper strength and raising money for an amazing charity at the same time. These challenges have really given me the buzz to keep trying new things.
We've still got some places left for the challenge this year on March 14th. Book your spot here: