Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

Edinburgh Breast Cancer Symposium

29th February 2020 News

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We were delighted to be invited to attend the Edinburgh Breast Cancer Special Symposium on Saturday 29th February.

Our Head of Fundraising Emma was joined by our patient champions, Claire, Karen H and Karen T.

What a great opportunity to highlight the work that we are doing as well as meeting with industry leaders.  We heard loads of interesting talks from Leading Breast Cancer Scientists, Clinicians and Surgeons from around the world.  To see Make 2nds Count alongside leading cancer charities shows how vital the work we are doing is to give hope to those living with secondary breast cancer.


Claire a Make 2nds Count patient champion said.

"What a fun day that was! 

I felt very privileged to be part of the Symposium, volunteering with Make 2nds Count, and helping spread the word on our Charity.  I got so much positivity from it; lots of visitors who came to our stand stayed to listen to our stories and the plans for the Charity.  It was encouraging to know that people who hadn’t heard about us before that day, went away knowing about us and keen to share that knowledge with their colleagues and patients. 

As an SBC patient myself, I found the talks very interesting indeed.  Some of it, admittedly, was a bit too science for me, but that’s to be expected at a Researchers Conference – as long as they all understood it!  It was uplifting to see how far leading experts in their fields have come and are striving towards in the future.  As a patient it gives me hope and lets me know that what I’m doing to help raise funds, is helping them in this goal. 

It was also interesting to see the other exhibitors and what they contribute to the world of Cancer.  

Fascinating day.  

I may have slept for the next 12 hours after it, but the fatigue was more than worth it!"