Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

SBC & My Treatment

24th November 2022 by Claire O'Donnell

Jane West


SBC & My Treatment:


Has your treatment line changed since you completed SBC & Me last year?

Luckily not, I'm still on my first line of treatment.


How many changes to treatment have you had?

I had to come off Zometa as it's damaged my bones.


How are you coping?

Physically I'm doing well, though my anxiety has been a problem. I had a huge wobble at the start of the year.


Do the side effects affect your life daily? If yes, please explain

Fatigue is a big problem, everything else I can cope with.


Have you found a routine that works for your everyday life? If yes, please explain

Yes, I listen to how I'm coping, physically & mentally, & adjust if I need to. More rest or cake, then that's what happens.


Do you feel anything is missed when it comes to living with secondary breast cancer? Medically or Socially

Understanding of what SBC is, & how it affects everything in your life.


Have you treated yourself to anything since your diagnosis? If yes, please explain

Not had the money to treat myself to much. I was self-employed & couldn't continue after my diagnosis.


Has it changed your perspective on life? If yes, please explain

I concern myself with the here & now, I don't really think too far into the future.