Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

"There Is Always Hope"

23rd July 2024 by Clare Cox

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One of our supporters, Colin Campbell from Drumahoe, Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland, has written a book that he hopes will bring comfort to families and their friends who have had to deal with secondary breast cancer, with all proceeds coming to Make 2nds Count.


“There Is Always Hope” is the story of his family’s lives from January 2020 - December 2021, following his partner Deidre's diagnosis in January 2020, of Stage 4 breast cancer, also known as metastatic or advanced breast cancer, which had spread to her liver and lungs. 

Colin spoke to us about his book:

“It is written from my perspective as a partner and describes how we navigated the early days of shock, fear, medical appointments, and telling our families; through Covid, lockdowns, isolation, catching Covid, my mother’s passing; and ultimately finding hope through the kindness of others, and facing up to the profound challenges our new situation presented.”

The book pays tribute to the local Altnagelvin Hospital, particularly the North West Cancer Centre, recognising the work of the oncologists, doctors, nurses, and medical support staff who looked after her, and continue to do so, in such a caring, professional manner.

“While my story is personal, its core theme is universal in that it deals with the effects of cancer on sufferers, their partners, and families; and with the staggering and as yet unquantified consequences of Covid on every aspect of our daily lives. It is, therefore, intended not only as an account but as a support and comfort to those going through similar experiences."

"All proceeds from sales of the book will be donated to Make 2nds Count which has provided so much help following my partner’s diagnosis.”

You can buy the book via the publisher Troubador

and at all good book shops and Amazon.