Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

SBC & My Treatment

3rd October 2022 by Shirley Roche Education


Has your treatment line changed since you completed SBC & Me last year?



How many changes to treatment have you had?

Now on 4th line treatment


How are you coping?

I have coped fairly well throughout. I am now on Trodelvy & developed an infection which I caught at the same time as my first 2 chemo sessions which landed me in hospital for 2wks with neutropenic sepsis. A very scary time & doctors can’t be certain it was caused by chemo but it certainly took away my ability to fight it. Thankfully all ok now.


Do the side effects affect your life daily? If yes, please explain

The first few days I have nausea & no taste so eating is an issue. I also have fatigue but have learned to rest when I need to & I’m still working from home which is convenient when I need a nap.


Have you found a routine that works for your everyday life? If yes, please explain

I don’t really have a routine as such. I take each day as it comes & make the most of the good ones.


Do you feel anything is missed when it comes to living with secondary breast cancer? Medically or Socially

Having just spent 2wks in hospital I felt my diagnosis was not taken into account when I arrived. I was left on a trolley in a corridor for 8hrs before I was seen by a doctor & told I had neutropenic sepsis. This could have catastrophic & I will be complaining.

Socially I haven’t attended anything in person however I love the 2nds Together Facebook Group & all the amazing ladies on there.


Have you treated yourself to anything since your diagnosis? If yes, please explain

Holidays & more holidays to enjoy life.

My husband also treated me to a new diamond engagement ring ahead of our Silver Wedding in 2023. Why wait??


Has it changed your perspective on life? If yes, please explain

I entertain far less drama!

I spend more time on me, family, friends & having plenty fun things to look forward to.