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Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

SBC & Me

28th May 2023 by Tam Scott SBC & Me Education

Tam Scott

SBC & Me


Date of Diagnosis


Current Treatment Line  

I’m on Leterazole, Palbociclib, Xolidex, Denosimab, pregabolin, omeprazole, ibuprofen, paracetamol and morphine with regular therapy through the Sara Lee trust. 

My diagnosis? Her 2 positive breast cancer that has secondaries in hips and spine. 


How does SBC effect your life?

When I was diagnosed I could barely breathe on my right side and was wearing pain relief harnesses, the first year was horrible trying to navigate grief for my kids (8 and ten at the time) and pain. I’m pissed off that my future might be limited and ache for the days  I will no doubt miss.

With therapy I’ve finally turned a corner and am learning to live with the pain - and the diagnosis. My movement has  improved  and I’m doing stuff, not wanting to be naff but really trying to take it all in and enjoy and celebrate being here as much as possible. It’s is a real Debbie downer this cancer mark but there is humour and solidarity and some  tell me, hope. 

In many ways Cancer has given me the wings to get shit done and live. 


Advice for someone diagnosed with SBC

There is so little clarity when you are freshly diagnosed, the words coming out of the team just sound like jaberwocky.

Stay clear of the internet in the early hours especially as the information on there is so ancient and can leave you reaching for the funeral home leaflets. 

Take friends or partners with you to appointments so they can translate. 

The meds will calm down I promise, the late night  rave sweats you will get used to. 

Tell anyone who says “you could get runover by a bus” to totally fuck off. 

And lastly try and choose your own goals and happiness over the grotty shadow of this relentless bugger of a disease. 


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