Read the latest blogs from across our work within the secondary breast cancer community. From blogs on fundraising, research findings, information sharing, corporate achievements, community support and stories, celebrate with us as we work together to Make 2nds Count.

SBC & Me
SBC & ME Date of Diagnosis: 13/04/2021 Current Treatment Line: Palbociclib, denosumab, zoladex, apixaban, letrozole How Does SBC Affect Your Life: The cancer is in my bones and I had a proximal femoral endoprosthetic replacement (replacement of hip socket and femur) walking is difficult and the distance is limited. I still work full time as it provides my normality and a distraction from the cancer world of hospital appointments and scans.

SBC & Me
SBC & ME Date of Diagnosis: 23/05/2023 Current Treatment Line: Current on 7th cycle of Nab paclitaxel and Phesgo. How Does SBC Affect Your Life: Was diagnosed with breast cancer the day before giving birth in May.

SBC & Me
SBC & ME Date of Diagnosis: 05/04/2023 Current Treatment Line: I am currently on my first treatment line. I have just finished 6 rounds of chemotherapy (Docetaxel) which I had every 3 weeks.

SBC & Me
SBC & ME Date of Diagnosis: 04/08/2022 Current Treatment Line: Ribociclib, Letrozole and Denusomab. I started my treatment journey on weekly chemo called paclitaxel which worked really well to reduce and get the cancer under control.

SBC & Me
SBC & ME Date of Diagnosis: 27/09/2022 Current Treatment Line: I am taking daily bisphosphonates (Ibandronic acid), oestrogen blocker (Aromasin) and targeted therapy (Ribociclib). How does SBC affect your life?: I am 63 and my life has totally changed due to secondary breast cancer.

SBC & Me
SBC & Me Date of Diagnosis 1st September 2021 Current Treatment Line Letrazole Zoladex Denosumab Ribociclib How does SBC effect your life? My body hurts quite a lot, just doing the gardening I have full on body aches for days, my body doesn't bounce back too quickly.

SBC & Me
SBC & Me Date of Diagnosis 17/02/2023 Current Treatment Line I have occult SBC, no evidence in breast which delayed dx. Liver/bone mets.

SBC & Me
SBC & Me Date of Diagnosis 16/05/2021 Current Treatment Line I’m on Leterazole, Palbociclib, Xolidex, Denosimab, pregabolin, omeprazole, ibuprofen, paracetamol and morphine with regular therapy through the Sara Lee trust. My diagnosis?

SBC & Me
SBC & Me Date of Diagnosis 13/01/2023 Current Treatment Line I am just about to start a chemo drug called Abraxane and immunotherapy. I'll go in for treatments on a four week cycle, with three on and one off.

SBC & Me
SBC & Me Date of Diagnosis 08/04/2022 Current Treatment Line I am on my first line of treatment taking Letrozole and Palbociclib and about to start cycle 10. How does SBC effect your life?

SBC & Me
SBC & Me Date of Diagnosis 01/06/2022 Current Treatment Line Ribociclib + Letrozole + Zoladex + Denosumab How does SBC effect your life? Where do you begin with this?

SBC & Me
SBC & Me Date of Diagnosis 14/09/2022 Current Treatment Line Paclitaxel and Phesgo How does SBC effect your life? I am still very early on so I’m still getting use to it all.

SBC & My Treatment
SBC & Me How does secondary breast cancer affect your life? I do get exhausted, the tiredness suddenly hits me.

SBC & Me
SBC & Me Date of diagnosis? Secondary diagnosis, October 2020 Current treatment line?

SBC & My Treatment
SBC & Me Date of diagnosis? 2021 Current treatment line?