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Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

SBC & Me

9th July 2023 by Claire Edmonds Education SBC & Me

Claire Edmonds

SBC & Me


Date of Diagnosis 

1st September 2021


Current Treatment Line 



How does SBC effect your life?

My body hurts quite a lot, just doing the gardening I have full on body aches for days, my body doesn't bounce back too quickly. I think its part of the menopause symptoms because my ankles also get stiff when u get up in the middle of the night to pee. I find I also get super tired very quickly.


Advice for someone diagnosed with SBC

I would advise, allow yourself to feel your emotions, it is really scary when first getting diagnosed, but once you allow yourself to accept what's happening, you will then realise it isn't as scary as you think, you can live with this disease, other woman have been fighting on for over 20 years. Don't allow yourself to focus on the bad news and compare yourself to those who sadly pass as it can mess you up mentally. We are a great community of supporters and you're not alone ❤️
