Tagged Surgical Drain Bag

Drain Dollies
draindollies.co.ukBefore I went in for my surgery I searched high and low for surgical drain bags. I knew I was going to be discharged from hospital with these drains, how was I to manage? I knew I was going to have drains in for at least 12 days and didn't want to be house bound. Equally though I didn't want to get funny looks in the street or feel embarrassed.
Unfortunately hospitals do not readily give out things to contain the drains in for patients use and I saw ladies using plastic carrier bags and pillow cases. It is so inconvenient not having the use of your hands. There is no reason to be house bound after breast surgery by any means, these bags enable you to get out and about which will aid your recovery process. They also come in some really nice patterns and colours to give you that extra boost when your feeling lousy and not so good about yourself.
Tagged Surgical Drain Bag
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Simply Zoe
simplyzoe.chI founded Simply Zoë, providing women with beautiful, elegant, comfortable yet functional items, to help them through their treatment and recovery. Giving women back choice, confidence and control. It also provides family and friends with a great opportunity to treat their loved ones.
Simply Zoë aims to stock items where the designer has a personal connection with cancer and will continue to add more products to the Simply Zoë collection over time.
Tagged Surgical Drain Bag
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