East Scotland

'Tea & A Chat' - Supporting Secondary Breast Cancer Patients
make2ndscount.co.ukLiving with a secondary breast cancer diagnosis is both mentally and physically gruelling for patients. Through the implementation of support specifically for secondary breast cancer patients, we aim to help patients to navigate some of the hurdles they face.
Our Tea & A Chat service offers a safe space for patients to meet and get peer to peer support in times of uncertainty.
Our Tea & A Chat service includes both ONLINE & IN-PERSON sessions.
For more details, select a location above.

Tea & Chat Edinburgh
Edinburgh / make2ndscount.co.uk
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Morningside Parish Church
2 Cluny Gardens
EH10 6BQ

angusalive.scotThe Macmillan Welfare Rights Service work in co-operation with Macmillan Cancer Support to provide advice on benefits and debt options for people in Angus, living with and/or affected by cancer. This service provides free, independent and confidential advise on a range of issues
For more details, select a location above.
ANGUSalive in Angus

ANGUSalive Macmillan Cancer & Information Support Service - Carnoustie
Angus / angusalive.scot
Volunteer Led Drop Ins (to give information and support, including signposting to other groups as appropriate for needs) – Carnoustie Library – Tuesdays 10am-11am and Thursdays 2pm-3pm Meet People Like You (facilitated by a volunteer, opportunity to gain peer support within the community) – Carnoustie Library – Tuesday 11am-12.30pm
The service support anyone looking for information about cancer.
Services: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Cancer information materials in other languages, Information, Provision for deaf/hard of hearing, Provision for learning difficulties, Provision for visually impaired, Written resources in other languages
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Carnoustie Library
21 High Street
Judith Crawford on 01307 492465
Catchment Area

ANGUSalive Macmillan Cancer & Information Support Service - Arbroath
Angus / angusalive.scot
Volunteer Led Drop Ins (to give information and support, including signposting to other groups as appropriate for needs) – Arbroath Library – Fridays 10am-12pm Meet People Like You (facilitated by a volunteer, opportunity to gain peer support within the community) – Arbroath Library – Fridays 1pm-3pm
This group supports anyone seeking information about cancer.
Services: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Cancer information materials in other languages, Information, Internet use available, Provision for deaf/hard of hearing, Provision for learning difficulties, Provision for visually impaired, Written resources in other languages
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Arbroath Library
Hill Terrace
DD11 1AH
Judith Crawford on 01307 492465 (Friday)
Catchment Area

ANGUSalive Macmillan Cancer & Information Support Service - Montrose
Angus / angusalive.scot
Volunteer Led Drop Ins (to give information and support, including signposting to other groups as appropriate for needs)
This group supports anyone seeking information about cancer.
We Offer: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Cancer information materials in other languages, Information, Internet use available, Provision for deaf/hard of hearing, Provision for learning difficulties, Provision for visually impaired, Written resources in other languages
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Montrose Library
High Street
DD10 8PH
Judith Crawford on 01307 492465
Catchment Area

Angus Macmillan Welfare Rights Service
Forfar / angus.gov.uk
The Macmillan Welfare Rights Service work in co-operation with Macmillan Cancer Support to provide advice on benefits and debt options for people in Angus, living with and/or affected by cancer. This service provides free, independent and confidential advise on a range of issues including: ensuring income is maximised by checking entitlement to benefits and tax credits assisting with benefit and Macmillan Grant application forms, resolving benefit disputes and assisting with any appeal work, providing debt advice and advising on entitlement to other support or services. The service can, if necessary, also provide training and informal talks to local groups, voluntary organisations in issues relating to benefits. The service can, if necessary, carry out home visits or see someone at a more local council office.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
New Road
Elizabeth Montgomery-Fox on 03452 777 778
Catchment Area
Service is provided for people living in the Angus area

ANGUSalive Macmillan Cancer & Information Support Service - Kirriemuir
Kirriemuir / angusalive.scot
Volunteer Led Drop Ins (to give information and support, including signposting to other groups as appropriate for needs)
Services Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Cancer information materials in other languages, Information, Provision for deaf/hard of hearing, Provision for learning difficulties, Provision for visually impaired, Written resources in other languages
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Kirriemuir Library Town Hall
Reform Street
Judith Crawford or Christine Sharp on 01307 492465
Catchment Area

Birdsong Yoga Physio
birdsongyogaphysio.co.ukBirdsong Yoga Physio is a place for people with palliative, long term and incurable illnesses to come to explore movement and reconnect with their breath by working with Yvonne, a physiotherapist and yoga teacher.
Yoga and physiotherapy can improve a number of symptoms that people with these illnesses often suffer from. It can help joint pains and stiffness; muscle weakness; loss of balance; anxiety and breathlessness; and some people feel it can lift their mood and balance their emotions.
There is no expectation or need to be able to be 'superflexible' or 'an amazing gymnast' to come to Birdsong Yoga Physio - it is specifically designed for people with palliative illnesses and a variety of physical abilities and 'If you can breathe, you can do yoga’
For more details, select a location above.

Birdsong Yoga Physio
Edinburgh / birdsongyogaphysio.co.uk
Birdsong Yoga Physio is a place for people with palliative, long term and incurable illnesses to come to explore movement and reconnect with their breath by working with Yvonne, a physiotherapist and yoga teacher.
Yoga and physiotherapy can improve a number of symptoms that people with these illnesses often suffer from. It can help joint pains and stiffness; muscle weakness; loss of balance; anxiety and breathlessness; and some people feel it can lift their mood and balance their emotions.
There is no expectation or need to be able to be 'superflexible' or 'an amazing gymnast' to come to Birdsong Yoga Physio - it is specifically designed for people with palliative illnesses and a variety of physical abilities and 'If you can breathe, you can do yoga’
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Physiotherapy Yoga
Bosom Buddies
We offer support and friendship to any lady who has received a breast cancer diagnosis. Our group is friendly and peer led. Joining is easy, it doesn’t matter at the stage you are at, or if it was years before, you will be made very welcome. You can come for as long as you feel, are getting from or giving to the group. ( makes you feel good to give a wee cuddle, or some info) We have guest speakers, meals out, fund raise, share a cuppa. Laugh and cry together.
For more details, select a location above.
Bosom Buddies
My name is Carole I am a founder member of Bosom Buddies and the chair lady. I had my surgery in 1997 followed by chemo radio and a drug trial. We meet the last Thursday of the month. We have a very informal meeting, We offer support and friendship to any lady who has received a breast cancer diagnosis. Our group is friendly and peer led. Joining is easy, it doesn’t matter at the stage you are at, or if it was years before, you will be made very welcome. You can come for as long as you feel, are getting from or giving to the group. ( makes you feel good to give a wee cuddle, or some info) We have guest speakers, meals out, fund raise, share a cuppa. Laugh and cry together. Chat about our families, holidays. The age range is extensive, we are all at various stages of diagnosis post treatment, which when newly diagnosed ladies meet us, realise life is still fun. We will be going to a new premises shortly.
Services provided include: Breast, Befriending, Bereavement Support, Cancer information materials, Counselling, Support from Health Professionals
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Please get in touch for venue information
KY11 2SQ
Carole Smith on 07761985934 (n/a)

Clinical Trial Service by Make 2nds Count
make2ndscount.co.ukMake 2nds Count Clinical Trial Service
The Clinical Trial Service is here to help secondary breast cancer patients potentially find a clinical trial and to support them through the clinical trial process.
Finding the right information about available clinical trials and understanding the associated complex information is a challenge for all secondary breast cancer patients.
The service is run by a senior research nurse with experience in secondary breast cancer and clinical trials.
If you are a patient living in the UK with metastatic breast cancer and interested in seeking advice about a clinical trial, please complete the referral form on the Clinical Trial Service section of the M2C website and book a slot to speak with a member of the team.
For more details, select a location above.

Clinical Trial Service by Make 2nds Count
Online / make2ndscount.co.uk
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups

macmillan.org.ukAt Macmillan, we won’t rest, and we won’t settle for anything other than the best possible support for people with cancer.
We do whatever it takes.
For more details, select a location above.

Macmillan One to One
Airth / macmillan.org.uk
We provide emotional, physical and practical support to people affected by cancer, whether it is the patient themselves, their families or carers. This can be following diagnosis, after treatment, or anytime after suffering long-term consequences of cancer and its treatment. People can either be referred by a healthcare professional, or they can self-refer to the service. We offer a Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) in the community (usually the patient’s home) and following this self assessment a plan is developed by the patient and nurse to identify needs and provide a range of resources to meet these needs. This may include: being an ongoing point of contact for information and support. Information about self management. Signposting / referral to other services. Information on local Health & Wellbeing Events, Coffee drop-ins, etc. Emotional support. Link to hospital team.
Service delivered by paid healthcare staff on a one to one basis.
Services: Cancer information materials, Cancer information materials in other languages, Counselling, Equipment loan, Home visiting, Information, Provision for deaf/hard of hearing, Provision for learning difficulties, Provision for visually impaired
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan One to One Airth Health Centre
Miller Place
Jane Niblo, Manager/Macmillan Community Care Nurse on 01324 832921
Catchment Area
NHS Forth Valley areas – Falkirk Stirling and Clackmannanshire
Macmillan in Angus

Move More ANGUSalive
Angus / angusalive.scot
Move More ANGUSalive provides free support to people living with or beyond cancer to become physically active, both before, during, and after their treatment. We support people to find an activity that’s right for them, with individually tailored health behaviour change support to continue to be active. Move More ANGUSalive has developed cancer specific opportunities including Gentle Movement, walking, and circuit-based classes. Circuit-based classes are delivered by Level 4 CanRehab qualified fitness instructors. The health walks and Gentle Movement classes are delivered by Macmillan trained volunteers. Activities and support are available at various venues across Angus.
If you are living with or beyond cancer in Angus, we can offer free support to help you get active at a level that’s right for you.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Please get in touch for further venue information
Linda Brown on 01307 492059 (Monday - Friday)
Catchment Area
Anyone living with or beyond cancer in Angus is eligible to receive support from Move More ANGUSalive.

ANGUS Macmillan Day Services
Angus / macmillan.org.uk
Support is provided on a group and one-one basis. We offer complementary therapies for the patients along with Macmillan’s Move More programme (gentle exercise). A dedicated Macmillan nurse is also available for this geographical area.
Service supports anyone living with a life-limiting progressive illness. We also provide support to carers and bereaved relatives.
Services: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Complementary therapies, Financial support, Home visiting, Information, Support from Health Professionals, Transport service
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Centre Stracathro Hospital
Rachel Leonard on 01356 665014 or Sharon McFadyen 01356 665016 Monday to Friday 09.00 - 16.00
Catchment Area
Brechin Montrose Edzell and outlying areas.
Macmillan in Dundee

Macmillan Dundee Libraries Cancer Inforamtion & Support Services
Dundee / leisureandculturedundee.com
If you’re affected by cancer, the Macmillan Information and Support Centre can offer you high quality information and support in a relaxed, comfortable environment in your local community. We are able to provide: - Time to listen and talk in a comfortable, friendly environment - leaflets and booklets on all aspects of living with and beyond cancer - support to access reliable cancer information - referrals to other available support services
Services: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Cancer information materials in other languages, Information, Internet use available, Provision for deaf/hard of hearing, Provision for learning difficulties, Provision for visually impaired, Signposting to other services, Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Central Library
The Wellgate
Grant Ross on 01382 431530

Dundee Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey
Dundee / dundeehscp.com
The Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership is working with Macmillan Cancer Support to offer a local Improving the Cancer Journey service. We provide practical, personal and emotional support to people living with cancer based on individual needs and what matters most to you. That can mean anything from helping you access tailored information and support, getting help with money and housing worries to securing some help at home.
The Macmillan Support Facilitators work in a variety of community settings in Dundee, including: libraries, community centres, pharmacies, charities and Ninewells Hospital.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership
Floor 3 Dundee House
50 North Lindsay Street
Diane Lawrie, Secretary on 01382 433340
Catchment Area
Dundee City

Angus Macmillan Day Services
Forfar / macmillan.org.uk
Support is provided on a group and one-one basis. We offer complementary therapies for the patients. Macmillan’s Move More programme (gentle exercise) to be offered in the near future. A dedicated Macmillan nurse is also available for this geographical area.
Service supports anyone living with a life-limiting progressive illness. We also provide support to carers and bereaved relatives.
Services: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Complementary therapies, Financial support, Home visiting, Information, Support from Health Professionals, Transport service
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Day Unit
Whitehills Health & Community Care Centre
Rachel Leonard on 01356 665014 or Shardon McFadyen 01356 665016 (Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:00)
Catchment Area
Forfar Kirriemuir and outlying areas
Macmillan in Glenrothes

Macmillan Fife Welfare Benefits Partnership
Glenrothes / cabfife.org
The MacMillan Fife Welfare Benefits Adviser offers a free, confidential and impartial advice service. We can assist if you, or a member of your family, are living with a cancer diagnosis and reside in Fife. Advice can be provided by telephone, pre arranged appointments within Fife hospitals or a home visit for those who are unable to travel due to their health. The adviser can help with: Applying for welfare benefits; Challenging benefit decisions; Issues with benefits such as overpayments; Health costs such as travel to hospital; Accessing charitable grants; Applying for transport concessions such as disabled parking badge.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Citizens Advice Rights Fife Craig Mitchell House
Flemington Road
Helpline on 0345 1400 091
Catchment Area
Cancer patients and their immediate families living in Fife. We can only visit addresses in Fife so if a client is long term in hospital outwith the area we would pass the client details onto the Macmillan Benefits service for that area.

Macmillan Fife Welfare Benefits Partnership
Glenrothes / cabfife.org
The MacMillan Fife Welfare Benefits Adviser offers a free, confidential and impartial advice service. We can assist if you, or a member of your family, are living with a cancer diagnosis and reside in Fife. Advice can be provided by telephone, pre arranged appointments within Fife hospitals or a home visit for those who are unable to travel due to their health. The adviser can help with: Applying for welfare benefits; Challenging benefit decisions; Issues with benefits such as overpayments; Health costs such as travel to hospital; Accessing charitable grants; Applying for transport concessions such as disabled parking badge.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Citizens Advice Rights Fife Craig Mitchell House
Flemington Road
Helpline on 0345 1400 091
Catchment Area
Cancer patients and their immediate families living in Fife. We can only visit addresses in Fife so if a client is long term in hospital outwith the area we would pass the client details onto the Macmillan Benefits service for that area.

Macmillan Welfare Rights Support Service - Perth & Kinross
Perth / pkc.gov.uk
Provide free benefits advice and guidance to people affected by cancer in the Perth and Kinross area including: General benefits advice and guidance; benefits appeal representation; enhanced Macmillan service (help and support with form filling).
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Welfare Rights Team Perth and Kinross Council
Pullar House
35 Kinnoull Street
Duty Worker on 01738 476900 (Option 1)
Catchment Area
Perth & Kinross Areas

Macmillan Money Matters
Stirling / macmillan.org.uk
The team provide financial advice and assistance to people affected by cancer across Forth Valley. The Project Workers provide a financial wellbeing check; help complete benefit claim forms & appeal against benefit decisions; assist in applying for grants and transport concessions such as blue badge; and help with costs such as travel to hospital.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Customer First
1-5 Port Street
Jennifer Schmidt on 01786 233 525 9am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday

maggiescentres.orgWhatever kind of cancer, and whatever stage you’re at – we're here with you. Many of our staff are NHS-trained and all our Cancer Support Specialists have expert knowledge about cancer and treatment.
All our support is free, and no appointment or referral is needed
For more details, select a location above.

Maggie's Dundee
Dundee / maggies.org
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone affected by cancer is welcome – from just being diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is offered at all Maggie’s Centres, including Maggie’s “Programme of Support” which is tailored to each person’s individual need. The professional experts who work at Maggie's will guide you through practical information and emotional support to help you to find the support you need and your Programme of Support can range from advice on finances and nutrition, to stress management and relaxation, and much else. The Programme of Support is designed to help at any stage of cancer and can be accessed at your local Maggie’s Centre, as and when you need it.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Maggie's Dundee
Ninewells Hospital
Tom McDonald Avenue
Lesley Howells on 01382 632999

Maggie's Fife
Kircaldy / maggies.org
Maggie’s is a place where anyone affected by cancer is welcome – from just being diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is offered at Maggie’s Fife, including Maggie’s “Programme of Support” which is tailored to each person’s individual need. The professionals who work at Maggie's have the time and expertise to be able to help, whether you drop in to have a chat or whether you want to hear more about our programme of support. Our Programme of Support can range from cancer support advice on finances and nutrition, stress management and relaxation, and much more. The Programme of Support is designed to help at any stage of cancer and can be accessed at your local Maggie’s Centre, as and when you need it.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Maggie's Fife
Hayfield Road
Victoria Hospital
Alison Allan on 01592 647997

Maggie's Forth Valley
Larbert / maggies.org
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone affected by cancer is welcome – from just being diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is offered at all Maggie’s Centres, including Maggie’s “Programme of Support” which is tailored to each person’s individual need. The professional experts who work at Maggie's will guide you through practical information and emotional support to help you to find the support you need. The programme of Support can range from advice on finances and nutrition, to stress management and relaxation, and much else. The programme of support is there to help at any stage of cancer and can be accessed at your local Maggie’s Centre, as and when you need it.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Maggie’s Forth Valley
Nina Barough Building
Off Quintinshill Drive
Yvonne McIntosh on 01324 868069
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
Merchant Wigs & Hair
merchant-wigs-and-hair-systems.business.siteWig and hair replacement specialists. Based in Scotland.
For more details, select a location above.
Merchant Wigs & Hair
Wig and hair replacement specialists. Provides NHS wigs,.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Hairpieces
Merchant Wigs & Hair Systems
15 Camperdown Street
01382 520866

Perth Breast Cancer Support Group
pkbreastcancersupport.ukWe are very informal and chat with coffee and cake - healthy alternatives are available. We have guest speakers and enjoy social events whilst supporting each other living with cancer treatment and life after cancer.
For more details, select a location above.

Perth Breast Cancer Support Group
Perth / pkbreastcancersupport.uk
We meet once per month on a Monday either 11am-1pm or 6pm-9pm, at Letham St Marks Church in Perth. We are very informal and chat with coffee and cake - healthy alternatives are available. We have guest speakers and enjoy social events whilst supporting each other living with cancer treatment and life after cancer.
Cancer Types: Breast Cancer in Women
Services: Befriending, Information
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Letham St Mark's Church Centre
Rannoch Road
Catchment Area
Perth & Kinross

Tayside Cancer Support
taysidecancersupport.orgAt Tayside Cancer Support, we have a number of services available to you including: We offer a free, confidential, one-to-one befriending service for those affected by cancer in the Tayside area.
For more details, select a location above.

Tayside Cancer Support
Dundee / taysidecancersupport.org
At Tayside Cancer Support, we have a number of services available to you including: We offer a free, confidential, one-to-one befriending service for those affected by cancer in the Tayside area. We also help to establish support groups which can offer a valuable network for people facing a diagnosis of cancer or if they are struggling to cope with a loved one’s illness. In addition, we also hold drop-in cafe's and provide a range of complementary therapies.
Services: Befriending, Complimentary Therapies, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to Other Services
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
St Aidan's Centre
408 Brook Street
Broughty Ferry
Office Manager on 01382 477 500
Catchment Area
Arbroath Dundee Forfar Perth and parts of North East Fife. (Angus & Tayside)

Volunteer Dundee
volunteerdundee.org.ukWould you like to speak with someone who has walked in your shoes? By Your Side offers a short-term opportunity for people living with cancer to speak to someone who has experienced cancer themselves. Our volunteers are ready to listen and share, with a deep personal understanding of the emotional challenges that cancer can bring. After we match you with one of our volunteers, they will be in touch to arrange a meet-up at a time and location convenient for both of you. These meet-ups are led by you and your needs.
For more details, select a location above.

By Your Side
Dundee City wide / volunteerdundee.org.uk
Would you like to speak with someone who has walked in your shoes? By Your Side offers a short-term opportunity for people living with cancer to speak to someone who has experienced cancer themselves. Our volunteers are ready to listen and share, with a deep personal understanding of the emotional challenges that cancer can bring. After we match you with one of our volunteers, they will be in touch to arrange a meet-up at a time and location convenient for both of you. These meet-ups are led by you and your needs. What would you like to talk about? How is cancer affecting your life? What questions have you been unable to ask? How are you really feeling?After around three meet-ups, we will discuss how to move ahead. Dundee has many useful support services including drop-in information, holistic needs support, long-term befriending and gentle exercise classes. If you would like, your volunteer can support you to access any of these.
Group supports: Adults; Patients; Young Adults with cancer; Men; Women; Bisexual; Gay; Lesbian; Transgender; Religious groups
Services: Befriending, Cancer Information Materials, Other Services
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Dundee City wide
Rebecca Adams on 07889571062 Wednesdays, Thursday mornings, and Fridays or Lali Tudela 01382 797352 Mondays and Tuesdays
Catchment Area
Mainly covers the city of Dundee but might be able to take people from nearby areas in Angus Fife and Perth & Kinross. We support people with a diagnosis of cancer.