Midlands England

'Tea & A Chat' - Supporting Secondary Breast Cancer Patients
make2ndscount.co.ukLiving with a secondary breast cancer diagnosis is both mentally and physically gruelling for patients. Through the implementation of support specifically for secondary breast cancer patients, we aim to help patients to navigate some of the hurdles they face.
Our Tea & A Chat service offers a safe space for patients to meet and get peer to peer support in times of uncertainty.
Our Tea & A Chat service includes both ONLINE & IN-PERSON sessions.
For more details, select a location above.

Tea & Chat Birmingham
Birmingham, / make2ndscount.co.uk
We're delighted to be joining forces with passionate local patients, Diane Ellingham and Denise Bates, to establish a regular monthly, in person, TEA & CHAT meet up group for secondary breast cancer patients in Birmingham.
Our support groups give patients the chance to share experiences and advice, and forge new friendships.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
The Medicine Bakery
Mailbox Birmingham,
53 Wharfside Street
B1 1RE
0131 357 4811
Opening Times
11am - 1pm

Tea & Chat Boston
Boston / make2ndscount.co.uk
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
St Barnabas Hospice Wellbeing Centre
Novak House
Endeavour Park
Wyborton Fen
PE21 7TT

Tea & Chat Hereford
Hereford / make2ndscount.co.uk
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Gallery Space
The Left Bank Village & De Koffie Pot
Bridge Street

Tea & Chat Lincoln
Lincoln / make2ndscount.co.uk
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
St Barnabas Wellbeing Centre
Hawthorn Road

Alora Focus Cancer Support Group
nottshelpyourself.org.ukWe offer therapies, peer support, outings and on occasions have talks by health professionals.
For more details, select a location above.

Alorafocus Cancer Support Group
Nottingham / nottshelpyourself.org.uk
We offer therapies, peer support, outings and on occasions have talks by health professionals.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
The Patchills Centre
NG18 3BS
Carmel Harkness on 07979977401 or Alorafocus Support Phone 07922 325 330
Opening Times
1st and 3rd Monday of each month between 6.00pm - 8.30pm

Asian Women Cancer Group
asianwomencancergroup.co.ukWe offer support to anyone affected by any type of cancer. Our group is for ladies only
For more details, select a location above.

Asian Women Cancer Group
Middlesex / asianwomencancergroup.co.uk
We offer support to anyone affected by any type of cancer. Our group is for ladies only. Normally, we have social outings and annual events. We also work with cancer charities.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Gateway House, North Harrow Car Park
Pinner Road, North Harrow
Prabha Shah Rohini Patel on 07503 626712 / 07968386798
Catchment Area
We cover North West London (Kenton, Harrow, Wembley, Barnet, Hendon, Pinner, Northwood)

Aurora Wellbeing Centres
aurorawellbeing.org.ukAurora is a local charity dedicated to providing support for people affected by cancer and long term health conditions, their families and friends.
For more details, select a location above.

The Aurora Wellbeing Centre, Worksop
Worksop / aurorawellbeing.org.uk
Aurora is a local charity dedicated to providing support for people affected by cancer and long term health conditions, their families and friends. Whilst some of our services are closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Aurora team continues to offer the best possible support to our local communities. For people who are struggling with feelings of anxiety, loneliness or depression, our wellbeing practitioners are here to help and continue to support people via a telephone service, to offer a friendly listening ear, emotional support and to chat about your concerns. Specialised telephone counselling is also available. You don't have to be referred to Aurora by a cancer nurse specialist, GP or health care professional, you can self-refer at any time and access exactly the same support. We also offer online services, resources, advice and information including Yoga therapy, 1:1 coaching, mindfulness, monthly support groups, sleep & fatigue and exercise programmes.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
The Old Library
Memorial Avenue
S80 2BJ
Emma Walker on 01909 470985
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 09.30 - 16.30

Bosom Friends Leicester
bosomfriendsleicestershire.comWe are a group of ladies who have had or are having treatment for Breast Cancer.
For more details, select a location above.

Bosom Friends (Leicester)
Leicester / bosomfriendsleicestershire.com
We are a group of ladies who have had or are having treatment for Breast Cancer. Meeting on the last Thursday of every month (apart from December) at 7.30pm upstairs in the Education Centre at Glenfield Hospital. Meetings include speakers, coffee and chat, craft evenings, suppers etc. We also arrange meals out and have fund raising events.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
7 Priory Close,
Sue Lomas on 0116 2600111 / 07452 968845 (Daytime/Evening)
Catchment Area
Ladies affected by breast cancer

Bounce Back Group
bouncebackgroup.co.ukBreast Cancer Support Group.
For more details, select a location above.
Bounce Back Group in Warwickshire

Bounce Back Group
Warwickshire / bouncebackgroup.co.uk
Breast Cancer Support Group.
Befriending Cancer information materials
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
The Well Christian Healing Centre
20 Augusta Place
Leamington Spa,
CV32 5EL
Jan Gilbert on 01926 770628 Sue Jenkins 01926 423633 Bounce Back Mobile 07904 914817 (Evenings and weekends 07904 914817)
Opening Times
7pm to 8.45 pm
Catchment Area
South Warickshire and the Stratford Area

Bounce Back Group
Warwickshire / bouncebackgroup.co.uk
Breast Cancer Support Group.
Befriending Cancer information materials
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
The Lifeways Centre
30 Albany Road
CV37 6PG.
Jan Gilbert on 01926 770628 Sue Jenkins 01926 423633 Bounce Back Mobile 07904 914817 (Evenings and weekends 07904 914817)
Opening Times
6pm to 8pm
Catchment Area
South Warickshire and the Stratford Area

Breast Friends Solihull
breastfriends-solihull.org.ukWe have talks by a variety of speakers, including medical professionals.
For more details, select a location above.

Breast Friends Solihull
Solihull / breastfriends-solihull.org.uk
We have talks by a variety of speakers, including medical professionals. Coffee and a chat round off these enjoyable evenings and you are welcome to bring along a female friend or relative.
Supports any ladies who have experienced breast cancer Befriending Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Equipment loan Financial support Information
Telephone helpline
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
81 School Road
Hall Green
B28 8JQ
Breast Friends Solihull on 0800 1313 500

Carers Trust Heart of England
coventrycarers.org.ukCoventry Carers’ Centre opened in July 1996, as the only ‘one stop’ centre for family carers – people who look after a relative, friend or neighbour who, due to ill health or disability, cannot manage without their help at home.
For more details, select a location above.

Coventry Carers Centre
Coventry / coventrycarers.org.uk
Coventry Carers’ Centre opened in July 1996, as the only ‘one stop’ centre for family carers – people who look after a relative, friend or neighbour who, due to ill health or disability, cannot manage without their help at home.
The Carers’ Centre aims to identify family carers within the city, assess their needs and provide information and support to meet their current, and future, needs.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Family Carers
Coventry Central Library
Smithford Way
Debbie King on 02476633788
Catchment Area
All carers who live, or work, in Coventry, or who care for someone who lives in Coventry.

Carers Trust Solihull
solihullcarers.orgCarers Trust Solihull provides emotional support, information, advice and assistance to those providing unpaid care for a relative, friend or other person who is disabled, frail or has a long term illness.
For more details, select a location above.

Carers Trust Solihull
Solihull / solihullcarers.org
Carers Trust Solihull provides emotional support, information, advice and assistance to those providing unpaid care for a relative, friend or other person who is disabled, frail or has a long term illness. We have monthly carers support groups across the borough of Solihull for carers of all ages, including young carers from 5 years old. Support groups offer emotional and peer support to family members who can share experiences.
We provide home visits, carers assessments and emotional support, training, day trips, information and advice and someone to talk to.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Family Carers
Carers Trust Solihull
Solihull Fire Station Annexe
620 Streetsbrook Road,
B91 1QY
Hazel Evans, Adult Carers & Gina Ward, Young Carers on 0121 788 1143 (during Office Hours)
Opening Times
9am - 4.30pm. Drop-in Sessions, to be confirmed
Catchment Area
We support any Carer who lives within the Solihull Borough, limited support is available to those who live outside this area but who cares for someone within Solihull Borough.

Cherry Lodge Cancer Care
cherrylodgecancercare.org.ukThe centre has an holistic approach seeking to address the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of those affected by cancer
For more details, select a location above.

Cherry Lodge Cancer Care-information and support centre
Enfield / cherrylodgecancercare.org.uk
The centre has an holistic approach seeking to address the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of those affected by cancer. We provide cancer information by Macmillan Cancer Nurse specialists, counselling, complementary therapies (including medical acupuncture), benefits advice, a befriending service, outreach healthy living surgeries, and a carers group. We also have weekly drop in sessions, a wig/hairdressing service and site specific support groups.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Cherry Lodge Cancer Care,Howard House,
23 Union Street
Fiona Kiddle on 020 8441 7000
Opening Times
Monday – Friday 9-5pm. Some evening drop-ins and site specific support group meetings

Clinical Trial Service by Make 2nds Count
make2ndscount.co.ukMake 2nds Count Clinical Trial Service
The Clinical Trial Service is here to help secondary breast cancer patients potentially find a clinical trial and to support them through the clinical trial process.
Finding the right information about available clinical trials and understanding the associated complex information is a challenge for all secondary breast cancer patients.
The service is run by a senior research nurse with experience in secondary breast cancer and clinical trials.
If you are a patient living in the UK with metastatic breast cancer and interested in seeking advice about a clinical trial, please complete the referral form on the Clinical Trial Service section of the M2C website and book a slot to speak with a member of the team.
For more details, select a location above.

Clinical Trial Service by Make 2nds Count
Online / make2ndscount.co.uk
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Codsall & Bilbrook Cancer Support Group
cancercaremap.orgAim of the Group: To ensure that in Codsall and Bilbrook there is more help and support so nobody feels that they are isolated and dealing with cancer without support, signposting and professional guidance.
For more details, select a location above.
Codsall & Bilbrook Cancer Support Group
Staffordshire / cancercaremap.org
Aim of the Group: To ensure that in Codsall and Bilbrook there is more help and support so nobody feels that they are isolated and dealing with cancer without support, signposting and professional guidance. The group has three objectives: raising awareness of cancer and provide information; assisting members to ask the right questions around treatment; supporting people in the community who are living with cancer.
Services: Befriending, Cancer Information Materials, Information, Support from Health Professionals
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service HQ
Pirehill, Stone
ST15 0BS
Heather Dean on 01902 842938 or Les on mobile number 07724638519
Opening Times
Thursday but check with group leader. 10.00am and 11.45am at the Fire Station.
Catchment Area
Catchment Area: Stafford, Wolverhampton

Community Breast Care
communitybreastcare.co.ukCommunity Breast Care, is a unique breast care advice service, providing outreach support to those affected by breast cancer.
For more details, select a location above.

Community Breast Care
Community Breast Care, is a unique breast care advice service, providing outreach support to those affected by breast cancer. We offer a compassionate, private and professional service to individuals of all ages both pre and post-surgery, throughout NHS funded and Private sector hospitals. We are here to listen to all individuals and offer a completely free bra and prothesis fitting
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Alison Boyd on 07812 158 062
Catchment Area
Birmingham, Solihull, Coventry, Warwickshire & Sandwell

Derby Breast Cancer Support Group
Meetings are varied (guest speakers both medical or general interest). Occasional therapy days. Breast Care Nurse at most meetings..
For more details, select a location above.

Derby Breast Cancer Support Group
Meetings are varied (guest speakers both medical or general interest). Occasional therapy days. Breast Care Nurse at most meetings..
Services provided include: Breast, Befriending, Bereavement Support, Cancer information materials, Complementary therapies, Counselling, Support from Health Professionals
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Riverside Centre,
Pride Park
DE24 8HY
Pam Smith on 01332 811010

Enfield Disability Action
mylife.enfield.gov.ukMonthly drop-ins for people living with cancer, complementary therapy taster sessions
For more details, select a location above.

CancerLIFE Support Group
Enfield / mylife.enfield.gov.uk
Monthly drop-ins for people living with cancer, complementary therapy taster sessions
Services provided include: Monthly drop-ins for people living with cancer, complementary therapy taster sessions
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Disability
Park Avenue Disability Resource Centre
65C Park Avenue
Deanna Rogers on 07583459911 Enfield Disability Action 020 373 6288 (Mon-Thu, 10am-4pm )
Catchment Area
Service is for Enfield residents

Hummingbird Cancer Support
hummingbirdcancersupport.orgHummingbird’s is an informal group offering both a friendly and relaxed space for people to chat and share experiences in combination with a selection of complementary therapies. We are open to adults of any age and at any stage of their cancer treatment pathway or those looking after them.
For more details, select a location above.

Hummingbird Cancer Support Group
Bishop’s Stortford / hummingbirdcancersupport.org
Hummingbird’s is an informal group offering both a friendly and relaxed space for people to chat and share experiences in combination with a selection of complementary therapies. We are open to adults of any age and at any stage of their cancer treatment pathway or those looking after them.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Massage Support Group
Rhodes Arts Complex,
1-3 South Road,
Bishop’s Stortford
CM23 3JG
Hummingbird answer service on 07510 178200 (Answering service if no one is available to take the call)
Catchment Area
We are open to anyone who has received a cancer diagnosis, at any stage of their treatment pathway or after treatment.
Lets Live Cancer Support Group
facebook.comWe meet and chat, we help with money matters with our Macmillan adviser. We befriend and visit people at home, we go with our partners to hospital and try and support in any way. Also we support family and carers and they are very welcome to our meetings.
For more details, select a location above.
Lets Live Cancer Support Group
Oldbury / facebook.com
We meet and chat, we help with money matters with our Macmillan adviser. We befriend and visit people at home, we go with our partners to hospital and try and support in any way. Also we support family and carers and they are very welcome to our meetings.
Befriending Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Complementary therapies Financial support Home visiting Hospital visiting Information Internet use available Support from Health Professionals Telephone helpline Transport service
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group

Ludlow Cancer Support Group
ludlowcancersupport.orgThe Ludlow Cancer Support Group exists to provide a sociable and welcoming environment where, through friendship, fun, and shared experience, members can find additional strength to cope with their situation.
For more details, select a location above.

Ludlow Cancer Support Group
Shropshire / ludlowcancersupport.org
The Ludlow Cancer Support Group exists to provide a sociable and welcoming environment where, through friendship, fun, and shared experience, members can find additional strength to cope with their situation.
ctivities include painting, Tai Chi, luxury manicures, reflexology, Indian head massage, crosswords and lectures ranging from Pain Relief to Autumn in the Garden. Outings, lunches and a garden-party will be held, and a Newsletter circulated to keep members informed of activities. Membership of the Group’s is free to people who have been diagnosed with cancer of all types, regardless of how long ago the diagnosis was made.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Parish Room, St Peter’s Church,
Henley Road,
Rosemary Wood on 01584 875438 (N/A)
Catchment Area

macmillan.org.ukAt Macmillan, we won’t rest, and we won’t settle for anything other than the best possible support for people with cancer.
We do whatever it takes.
For more details, select a location above.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service, King's Mill Hospital, Sutton-In-Ashfield
Sutton In Ashfield / sfh-tr.nhs.uk
If you're affected by cancer, the Macmillan Information and Support Centre can offer you high quality information and support in a relaxed, comfortable environment at your local hospital. We can also help you access complementary therapies, befriending, benefits advice and self-help and support.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Info & Support CentreKing’s Treatment Centre, King's Mill Hospital
Mansfield Road,
Sutton In Ashfield
NG17 4JL
01623 622515 ext 6499
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm – please call ahead if you are making a special trip into hospital to see us

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service - Barnet Hospital
Barnet / royalfree.nhs.uk
We offer information and support for anyone affected by cancer. You may have cancer yourself, care for a friend or relative, work as a healthcare professional or simply want to know more about cancer. Whatever your situation, please contact us for a chat and to find out what resources and services are available.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Information Centre,
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Barnet Hospital,
Wellhouse Lane,
Information Specialist on 0208 216 4142
Opening Times
Weekdays (except Wednesdays and Bank Holidays) 10am – 4pm

Citizens Advice Bassetlaw Macmillan Service
Bassetlaw / macmillan.org.uk
The Bassetlaw Macmillan Welfare Rights Service provides advice and information on welfare benefits and entitlements to people affected by cancer living in Bassetlaw. Citizens Advice Bassetlaw aims to help you to receive the income you are entitled to. We can offer support on: Benefit claims, from filing in forms to representation at tribunals; how to apply for Power of Attorney to help you plan for the future; Appealing benefit decisions; Health costs, such as prescriptions and travel to hospital; Accessing charitable grants; Travel concessions such as a disabled badge. Phone advice and home visits are available.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Bassetlaw Citizens Advice BureauThe Annexe, Queens Building, Worksop
S80 2AH
07889 726958
Opening Times
Monday-Friday 9:00 – 16.00
Catchment Area
People living in Bassetlaw with Cancer, their Carers and family members.
Macmillan in Bedford

Primrose Unit Support Group
Bedford / macmillan.org.uk
Our group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month between 6pm and 8pm in the Primrose Unit reception. we have talks from a variety of people and offer a space for people to chat an support each other. Refreshments provided.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Primrose Unit
Bedford Hospital,
Kempston Rd
Lourdes Longalong on 01234792667 (Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm)

Macmillan Cancer Information Centre – Primrose Unit, Bedford Hospital
Bedford / bedfordhospital.nhs.uk
If you’re affected by cancer, the Macmillan Cancer Information Centre can offer you high quality information and support in a relaxed, comfortable environment. We offer: A drop in service for a wide range of information and support; Health, financial and life management advice; Referral to other healthcare professionals; Details of local and national support services and organisations; Details about complementary therapies and outreach sessions in the community.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Primrose Unit, Bedford Hospital NHS Trust,
South Wing, Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ
Melinda Bettsworth or Lourdes Longalong on 01234 792667
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9.00 - 6.00
Macmillan in Bedfordshire

Mid Bedfordshire Cancer Support Group
Bedfordshire / macmillan.org.uk
Group supports: Adults; Carers; Patients, Relatives.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Village Hall, Walnut Tree Way
SG17 5AB
Daksha Trivedi or Phil Trivedi on 01462 813943
Catchment Area
Mid Bedfordshire and surrounding areas

Macmillan Welfare Rights Service Bedfordshire
Bedfordshire / centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
We recognise that a cancer diagnosis can result in additional expenses such as heating, food, clothing and travel costs while income may be reduced. We aim to prevent financial hardship and to help with the costs of a cancer diagnosis through help to claim benefits and grants that are available. We provide high quality and trusted advice on welfare benefit entitlement and assist with form completion, advocacy and representation at tribunal. The service also assists with applying for grant applications and can assist with Health Costs such as travel to hospital. We also advise on accessing services or equipment such as aids or adaptations or social service assessments and can refer or signpost to local services for further advice and support. The service has 4 full time equivalent welfare rights advisers who deliver advice at our local hospitals and outreach centres across Central Bedfordshire and Bedford as well as to the patients of the North West Anglia Foundation Trust.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Priory House, Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ
Bhavani Sarma, Senior Welfare Rights Adviser on 0300 300 8145
Opening Times
9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4pm Fridays
Catchment Area
The service is available to residents of Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and patients of the North West Anglia Trust (Peterborough City and Hinchingbrooke Hospitals).

Macmillan Welfare Rights Service Bedfordshire
Bedfordshire / centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Working in partnership with Central Bedfordshire Council and Macmillan Cancer Support, we deliver a free, confidential specialist benefits advice service to people who have been diagnosed with cancer, including their family and carers who live in Central Bedfordshire, Bedford and to the patients of the North West Anglia Foundation NHS Trust, delivered Face to Face, by Telephone and by Email. We recognise that a cancer diagnosis can result in additional expenses such as heating, food, clothing and travel costs while income may be reduced. We aim to prevent financial hardship and to help with the costs of a cancer diagnosis through help to claim benefits and grants that are available. We provide high quality and trusted advice on welfare benefit entitlement and assist with form completion, advocacy and representation at tribunal. The service also assists with applying for grant applications and can assist with Health Costs such as travel to hospital. We also advise on accessing services or equipment such as aids or adaptations or social service assessments and can refer or signpost to local services for further advice and support.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Priory House, Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ
Bhavani Sarma, Senior Welfare Rights Adviser on 0300 300 8145
Opening Times
9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4pm Fridays
Catchment Area
The service is available to residents of Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and patients of the North West Anglia Trust (Peterborough City and Hinchingbrooke Hospitals).

Macmillan Benefits Advice Service in Birmingham and Solihull
Birmingham / macmillan.org.uk
Living with cancer can be tough on your finances. You might not be able to earn in the same way. You’ll probably spend more on everyday costs like heating and getting around. And it’s hard knowing how to plan ahead. Too often, money worries just get out of control. But we’re here to help. Our benefits advisers can support you by working out the financial help you may be entitled to and helping you to access it. They have specialist knowledge of welfare benefits, tax credits and grants and can offer you up-to-date, invaluable advice. Working in partnership with Citizens Advice Birmingham, we provide free face-to-face benefits advice to people affected by cancer, including carers and families, at hospitals and other locations across Birmingham and Solihull. We can provide advice on what benefits you could claim if you cannot work, if you are experiencing health problems as a result of treatment, or if you have a low or reduced income; help you with applications for benefit – making calls or filling in forms; help you apply for one-off grants, eg to help with fuel costs, to pay for a convalescent holiday or a new household item; assist you with appealing against decisions on your benefit entitlement; refer you to other support with debt, housing, employment and pensions. We also offer face to face and telephone appointments.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Citizens Advice Birmingham
Ground Floor Gazette Buildings,
168 Corporation Street
B4 6TF
Macmillan Benefit Team on 0300 3302120
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm.
Catchment Area
Birmingham and Solihull

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Burton
Burton-on-Trent / macmillan.org.uk
The Macmillan Information Centre provides emotional support and practical help to anyone who has cancer, their relatives, friends and carers in a relaxed and friendly environment. We offer people affected by cancer access to good quality, comprehensive and appropriate information. This includes information in different languages and formats. The centre works closely with the Oncology Team and refers to other services as appropriate e.g., benefits advisors, community services and complementary therapists.
Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Information Benefits Advice Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Main entrance (immediately before the coffee shop)
Queen's Hospital Burton,
Belvedere Road
DE13 0RB
Jo Dexter on 01283 593 186
Opening Times
Monday - Friday, 10.00-15.00
Macmillan in Coventry

Tile Hill Community Library Support Point
Coventry / coventry.gov.uk
We provide free information resources for users to view on site or take away. Users can also access online information at this site. We can signpost to other local support services and groups.
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Information Internet use available Outreach
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Tile Hill Community Library
Jardine Crescent,
Tile Hill
Opening Times
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 09.00 – 19:00, Wednesday - Closed, Saturday 09.00 - 16.00, Sunday Closed

Macmillan Benefits Advice Service Coventry and Warwickshire
Coventry / coventrycab.org.uk
Living with cancer can be tough on your finances. You might not be able to earn in the same way. You’ll probably spend more on everyday costs like heating and getting around. And it’s hard knowing how to plan ahead. Too often, money worries just get out of control. But we’re here to help. Our benefits advisers can support you by working out the financial help you may be entitled to and helping you to access it. They have specialist knowledge of welfare benefits, tax credits and grants and can offer you up-to-date, invaluable advice. Working in partnership with Coventry Citizens Advice, we provide free telephone and digital benefits advice to people affected by cancer, including carers and families. We can: provide advice on what benefits you could claim if you cannot work, if you are experiencing health problems as a result of treatment, or if you have a low or reduced income; help you with applications for benefit – making calls or filling in forms; help you apply for one-off grants, eg to help with fuel costs, to pay for a convalescent holiday or a new household item; assist you with appealing against decisions on your benefit entitlement; refer you to other support with debt, housing, employment and pensions.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Kirby House
Little Park Street
James Lawrence - Project Manager, Health and Wellbeing on 02476 252050 (appointment line only)
Opening Times
The service is available by contacting our Appointment Line number 024 7625 2050 Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm,
Catchment Area
Patients at the University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire, George Elliot Hospital, Warwick Hospital and Stratford Hospital. Available to anyone who is caring for someone who is receiving cancer services at the hospitals.

Foleshill Community Library Information Point
Coventry / coventry.gov.uk
We provide free information resources for users to view on site or take away. Users can also access online information at this site. We can signpost to other local support services and groups.
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Information Internet use available Written resources in other languages Outreach
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Foleshill Community Library
Braod Street,
Opening Times
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 09.00 – 19:00 Wednesday closed, Saturday 09.00 - 16.00

Nuneaton George Eliot
Coventry / macmillan.org.uk
Cancer information and support for any one.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
George Eliot Information Centre
George Eliot Hospital
College Street
CV10 7DJ
02476 153201
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 09.00 - 16.00 (except Bank Holidays)

Bell Green Community Library Information Point
Coventry / coventry.gov.uk
We provide free information resources for users to view on site or take away. Users can also access online information at this site. We can signpost to other local support services and groups.
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Information Internet use available Outreach
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Bell Green Community Library
17-23 Riley Square,
Bell Green
Opening Times
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 09.00 – 19:00, Wednesday - Closed, Saturday 09.00 - 16.00

Coventry Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre
Coventry / macmillan.org.uk
We are a free and confidential service here to support people living with cancer and their families. We can signpost to complimentary therapies, benefits advisors to provide information on financial concerns.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Main Entrance, Ground Floor, University Hospital
Clifford Bridge Road
Julie Bliss on 024 7696 6052

Willenhall Community Library Information Point
Coventry / coventry.gov.uk
We provide free information resources for users to view on site or take away. Users can also access online information at this site. We can signpost to other local support services and groups.
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Information Internet use available Outreach
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Willenhall Community Library
Hagard Community Centre,
Remembrance Road
Opening Times
Monday 10.00 – 19:00, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Wednesday and Sunday - Closed, Saturday 09.00 - 16.00

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Mid-Cheshire Hospital, Crewe
Crewe / mcht.nhs.uk
When you're affected by cancer, having the right kind of information and support at the right time is essential. The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service provide a confidential service for anyone affected by cancer. Information about all aspects of living with cancer, with access to cancer information materials; counselling; information for families and carers; benefits advice self-help & support groups; signposting to other services; locally approved wig providers; look good feel better events and much more.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Unit
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Middlewich Road
Julie Pieczarka and Clare Bloor on 01270 273603
Opening Times
Mon to Friday 9am - 3pm please ring 01270 273603

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Royal Derby Hospitals
Derby / derbyhospitals.nhs.uk
With self-help and support groups, benefits advice and a range of information and support, we're here for everyone affected by cancer. We can also refer you to counselling services and complementary therapies. Also provide Look Good Feel Better service.
Cancer information materials Information Internet use available Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Level 1, (Entrance 24), Cancer Specialist Services
Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road
DE22 3NE
01332 786008
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday 08.30 -16.30 Friday 08.30 -16.00. Excluding Bank Holidays(However opening times may vary so please telephone before making a special journey).

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre
Derbyshire / macmillan.org.uk
The Macmillan Information and Support Centre is based in the NGS Macmillan Unit at Chesterfield Royal Hospital and anyone affected by cancer can drop into the centre to meet the staff and volunteers who will help you find the information and support you need. All our services are free and include: (*dependant on Covid-19 restrictions). Welfare and benefits service; Wig Fitting*; Look Good Feel Better*; Complementary therapies*; Free headware and Headstrong service; Moving Forward after breast cancer courses*; Psychology support service ; Aftercare workshops*; We have a service for parents or main carer diagnosed with advanced cancer to help them talk with and prepare their children for the future.
Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Information Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Other services Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Chesterfield Royal Hospital
S44 5BL
Maria Leadbeater and Dawn Warrington on 01246 516406
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 08.30 - 16.30

Macmillan Information and Support Service at North Middlesex University Hospital
Edmonton / northmid.nhs.uk
The pod is currently closed though operating remotely. Patients can telephone or contact the information centre via email. Currently oncology services at the hospital has been changed a little and will change again going forward as they are adapting the hospital into zones. The phone line is operational with a voice message system in place.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
North Middlesex University Hospital
Level 2 Main Atrium, Sterling Way
N18 1QX
0208 887 3992
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10am to 4 pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service, Chase Farm Hospital
Enfield / royalfree.nhs.uk
We offer information and support for anyone affected by cancer. You may have cancer yourself, care for a friend or relative, work as a healthcare professional or simply want to know more about cancer. Whatever your situation, you are welcome to drop in for a chat and to browse the resources.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Information and Support Centre,
Chase Farm Hospital (Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust),
The Ridgeway,
Macmillan Information Specialist on 0208 375 2247
Opening Times
10am to 4pm Monday - Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Gainsborough Cancer Support Group
Gainsborough / macmillan.org.uk
Our group is a casual, relaxed, drop in support group for anybody affected by cancer whether you are a person living with cancer or you are supporting somebody with cancer.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Gainsborough House Community Centre
18, Parnell Street
DN21 2NB
Jean or Sue on 07707707140

West Essex Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service
Hamstel Road / eput.nhs.uk
We offer good high-quality, free and comprehensive information and support to anyone who has concerns about cancer, including relatives, friends and carers. We offer details of other local and national support agencies and services, as well as benefits advice and assistance. We provide befriending and respite support across West Essex and offer living with cancer workshops, including the HOPE (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively) course.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
West Essex Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service
1st Floor, Addison House
Hamstel Road
CM20 1EP
01279 698673
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 09.30-16.00

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service, Northwick Park Hospital
Harrow / macmillan.org.uk
Cancer information materials Benefits Advice Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Main Entrance
Northwick Park Hospital,
Watford Road
Mary Finn on 020 8869 5099
Opening Times
09:30 - 15.30 Monday - Friday excluding Bank Holidays.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service , The County Hospital, Hereford
Hereford / wyevalley.nhs.uk
We provide free information, support and practical advice for anyone affected by cancer. We can also offer: confidential one-to-one support, information on all aspects of living with cancer and treatments and free guided internet access. Many resources are also available in different languages and formats, and are suitable for people with special needs. The service is staffed by a Macmillan Information and Support Advisor, supported by trained volunteers. Some of our volunteers have personal experience of living with cancer.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Renton Unit
Wye Valley NHS Trust
Hereford County Hospital
Stonebow Road
Alison Stemp and Kim Heathcote on 01432 355444 x 5459
Opening Times
Mon - Fri 09.30-16.30
Macmillan in Kettering

Kettering General Hospital Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service
Kettering / kgh.nhs.uk
The Kettering Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Services offer free, confidential advice and support for patients, carers and relatives. The service is currently running as an email service. We do offer a call back service, so if you would like to speak to someone on the phone, then please do email with your contact details.
Bereavement support Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Financial support Information Telephone helpline Benefits Advice Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Kettering General Hospital
Rothwell Road
NN16 8UZ
Danielle Mellows on 07813 363539

Northants Cancer Guide
Kettering / northantscancerguide.co.uk
The Northants Cancer Guide is a website created by Northampton and Kettering General Hospitals in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support. The website includes: A map of the cancer pathway designed to help patients navigate their way from initial appointment through to treatment and beyond. Information about other departments involved in the cancer pathway, eg chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A directory of local services to help people access support across a range of services, such as support with personal care and shopping, managing finances, keeping active etc. A full library of videos and webinars presented and produced by healthcare professionals. These are available to offer advice, tips and support for all patients living with cancer. Some videos have been tailored to support specific cancers, eg breast, prostate and haematology.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Kettering General Hospital
Rothwell Road
NN16 8UZ
Opening Times

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Kidderminster
Kidderminster / macmillan.org.uk
The centres, initially funded by Macmillan Cancer Support are part of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. We offer Emotional Support and can refer or signpost you to other services.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Kidderminster Treatment Centre
Bewdley Road
DY11 6RJ
Angela Gillitt on 01562 513273
Opening Times
Please call to check opening times before making a special journey.
Macmillan in Leicester

Macmillan/CAB Welfare Benefits Service, Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland
Leicester / citizensadviceleicestershire.org
The Macmillan CAB Welfare Benefits Service provides information, advice and advocacy to people affected by cancer living in Leicester, Leicestershire, Rutland or receiving treatment within the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL). We provide a free and confidential service to cancer patients, their families, and carers. Our advice is focused on identifying benefit entitlement and assisting service users through the claiming process to achieve income maximisation. We can also help with challenging decisions and representing at tribunals. Additionally we help with Blue badge applications, accessing charitable grants, and signposting to partner organisations for issues such as debt, employment and housing.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Citizens Advice Leicestershire
Clarence House,
46 Humberstone Gate
Telephone on 0300 456 8400
Opening Times
Macmillan Phone Line (09.00-16.00 Monday - Friday), Appointments at Leicester Royal Infirmary 9.30 – 16. 30 Monday-Friday, and Glenfield Hospital Thursday and Friday afternoon only.
Catchment Area
Residents of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We also see client’s from other areas if they are having treatment at any of the Leicester hospitals.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Leicester
Leicester / leicestershospitals.nhs.uk
Drop in cancer information and support centre. We have a wide range of up-to-date information leaflets, books, DVDs and CDs, some of which are suitable for people: with learning disabilities, with sight problems, whose first language is not English.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Osborne Building
Leicester Royal Infirmary
Richard Moody or Angela Sheldon on 0116 258 6189
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 09.30-16.30

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Lincoln
Lincoln / ulh.nhs.uk
The Macmillan Cancer Support Centre is located within the Outpatients Department of Lincoln County Hospital. We offer information & support to anyone affected by cancer – patients, families and friends. We also support other health care professionals providing them with resources. We are a providing an appointment only basis due to COVID -19 pandemic. We provide: Prevention & Awareness Information Information about Cancer & Treatments Emotional Support, Look Good Feel Better, and John Coupland Hospital in Gainsborough. Referrals to Welfare Benefits, Community Nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Hospice at Home and Day Therapy.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Centtre
Lincoln County Hospital
Greetwell Road
Beverley Flockhart on 01522 573799
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 09.00-16.00

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre – Grantham and District Hospital
Lincolnshire / ulh.nhs.uk
If you are affected by cancer, the Macmillan Information and Support Centre can offer you high quality information and support in a relaxed, comfortable environment in your local hospital. Outreach sessions are conducted monthly at various locations around the county. Please contact the Centre for more information.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Centre,
Outpatients Department, Grantham District Hospital
101 Manthorpe Road, Grantham,
NG31 8DG
01476 464978
Opening Times
Tuesday - Thursday, 09.00 - 16.00
Macmillan in London

Citizens Advice Barnet Macmillan Welfare Benefits Project
London / barnetcab.org.uk
A welfare benefits service for people living with cancer, their families and carers
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Citizens Advice Barnet
40-44 Church End, Hendon
Safia Akram on 0208 4404227
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9.30 to 4.30
Catchment Area
Barnet, Enfield and Haringey

The Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service at The Whittington Hospital
London / whittington.nhs.uk
The Macmillan Information & Support Centre at the Whittington offers a friendly and relaxed environment, providing emotional support, information and practical advice to anyone affected by cancer. This includes families, carers and friends. There is a wide range of free high-quality cancer materials available as well as signposting to other national and local services. We have a monthly cancer support group, which is open to Whittington Hospital patients. We also provide ‘HOPE’ (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively) courses for patients and family & friends, fatigue management classes, ‘Look Good, Feel Better’ workshops, hand and foot massage & various other workshops (Art Therapy, Writing as Therapy, Relaxation & Visualisation and Mindfulness plus volunteering opportunities. Anyone who is worried or affected by cancer is welcome to drop-in for a chat or to pick up some information.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Ground Floor, The Whittington Hospital,
Magdala Ave,
N19 5NF
Tracey Palmer on 0207 288 5305 or 07881 834 433
Opening Times
Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) 10-4pm
Macmillan in Luton

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support service, Luton
Luton / bedfordshirehospitals.nhs.uk
We offer people affected by cancer access to free, appropriate information and support in a welcoming and friendly environment. The service is staffed by a Macmillan Information Specialist. We also offer a telephone advice line and a range of supportive services such as Look Good Feel Better, support groups, self-help groups, complementary therapies and benefits advice.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Unit, Bedfordshire Hospitals Foundation Trust
Lewsey Road,
Michelle Evans on 01582 718189
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 16:00pm

Macmillan Welfare Rights Service - Luton
Luton / cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk
The Macmillan Welfare Rights Service is integrated into the Cancer & Palliative Care Service. The Service provides free and confidential benefits advice to people living with cancer, their carers and their families living within the borough of Luton. The service can advise on a range of issues including which benefits you’re eligible for, how to maximise your income, appeals, tax credits, grants, housing costs and transport concessions. The service also provides help in completing all benefit forms as required.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Unit 2-3, The Poynt
Poynters Road
Karina Chamberlain, Macmillan Welfare Rights Advisor on 0333 4053000
Opening Times
Closed service to the public; usual operating times Monday to Friday, 08.30-17.30.
Catchment Area
The service is specific to residents of Luton Borough Council only.

Hanslope and District Cancer Wellbeing and Support Group
Milton Keynes / macmillan.org.uk
We aim to offer emotional support and information to those in our area affected by cancer (and their families). It is an open and accessible to all irrespective of faith, religion, colour or creed. The group offers mutual support, collects and disseminates information on all matters relating to cancer and acts as a signpost to other relevant agencies. Strict confidentiality is maintained at all times.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Coffee Area, St James Church
Milton Keynes
MK19 7LT
John Sorrell on 07889181158 / 01908 510747 (9am-7pm only) or Andrea Kingston on 01908 510330 (most daytime hours)
Macmillan in Northampton

Northants Cancer Guide
Northampton / northantscancerguide.co.uk
The Northants Cancer Guide is a website created by Northampton and Kettering General Hospitals in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support. The website includes: A map of the cancer pathway designed to help patients navigate their way from initial appointment through to treatment and beyond. Information about other departments involved in the cancer pathway, eg chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A directory of local services to help people access support across a range of services, such as support with personal care and shopping, managing finances, keeping active etc. A full library of videos and webinars presented and produced by healthcare professionals. These are available to offer advice, tips and support for all patients living with cancer. Some videos have been tailored to support specific cancers, eg breast, prostate and haematology.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Northampton General Hospital
Opening Times

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Northampton
Northampton / macmillan.org.uk
The centre is available for anyone who is affected by cancer whether that is the patient receiving treatment, carers or the worried well. The centre provides free information whether by booklets, email, telephone conversations or 1-2-1 support based on a drop in basis so no appointment is necessary. We supply a comprehensive benefits advice service provided by Citizens Advice Bureau and the Department of Work and Pensions. We run the HOPE course which enables people to cope with challenges faced after cancer treatment. Complementary therapy services are also available on an appointment basis, for more information, please contact us by e-mail or telephone. We also offer information and signposting to a number of local support groups and services who can provide support, information and space to meet other people living with or affected by cancer.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Oncology Department (Area N)
Wendy Smith on 01604 544211
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 09.00 -16.00 apart from Bank Holidays.

Northamptonshire Macmillan Citizens Advice Service
Northampton / citacen.org.uk
Macmillan Cancer Support & Central and East Northamptonshire Citizens Advice work in partnership to offer a specialist welfare benefits service for patients who received a cancer diagnosis and for their families. This is a free, independent and confidential service. We can advise on a range of issues including benefits and income maximisation and assist with any other related issues you may have, such as housing, debt and employment. We can also help you with form completion, advocacy and representation at tribunals. Our aim is to strive to ensure that people affected by cancer receive the support and help they need.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Central and East Northamptonshire Citizens Advice
Town Centre House, 7/8 Mercers Row
Laura Richards on 01604 235 086
Opening Times
Service available 9.30am-5.30pm, Monday to Friday
Catchment Area
Northamptonshire, Northampton General Hospital (Oncology), Kettering General Hospital (Out patients), Lakelands Hospice Corby, Citizens Advice (Northampton), Citizens Advice (Wellingborough)

Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre
Northwood / ljmc.org
the Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre offers a relaxing, peaceful environment for people affected by cancer to seek information and support about all aspects of the disease: from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. The welcoming drop-in centre is staffed by healthcare professionals and volunteers and provides a friendly place to talk and ask questions. Services also include a telephone helpline, complementary therapy, relaxation classes, counselling and welfare benefits advice as well as details of local self-help courses and support groups.The centre also hosts Look Good Feel Better beauty workshops and headwear workshops. Please drop in or call us to find out more.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre
Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
Rickmansworth Road,
020 3826 2555
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 09.30 - 16.30
Macmillan in Nottingham

Macmillan Information and Support Service - Nottingham City Hospital
Nottingham / nuh.nhs.uk
Based at Nottingham City Hospital the Macmillan Information and Support Service provides a confidential drop in service for anyone affected by cancer including patients, relatives and healthcare professionals. If you or someone close to you is affected by cancer we can provide emotional support, benefit and financial advice including applying for benefits and accessing grants. We can also provide information about cancer treatments and managing the side effects of cancer treatments, travel insurance and holiday information, information and support when talking to loved ones and much more. The Service has a group room at its Centre at Queen’s Medical Centre which can be booked and used free of charge for groups affected by cancer. The Service also has access to a Macmillan Benefits Clinic, Hair Loss Clinic, Cancer Support Groups and Carers Drop-in Sessions.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Information and Support Centre,
Nottingham City Hospital, W4, Ground Floor, South Block,
Hucknall Road,
Alison Hall and Ayleen Forfar on 0115 840 2650 or 0115 9709933
Opening Times
Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm

Macmillan Information and Support Service - Queens Medical Centre
Nottingham / nuh.nhs.uk
Based at Queen’s Medical Centre, the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service provides a confidential drop in service for anyone affected by cancer including patients, relatives and healthcare professionals. If you or someone close to you is affected by cancer we can provide emotional support, benefit and financial advice including applying for benefits and accessing grants. We can also provide information about cancer treatments and managing the side effects of cancer treatments, travel insurance and holiday information, information and support when talking to loved ones and much more. The Centre has a group room which can be booked and used free of charge for groups affected by cancer. The Service also has access to a Macmillan Benefits Clinic, Hair Loss Clinic, Cancer Support Groups and Carers Drop-in Sessions. Provides emotional support and signposting to local, regional and national services.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
B Floor, East Block
Queens Medical Centre,
Derby Road
Alison Hall and Ayleen Forfar, Macmilan Cancer Info Officer on 0115 9709933 / 0115 8402650
Opening Times
Monday – Friday 9am until 4pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Newham
Plaistow / bartshealth.nhs.uk
Our centre offers quality, comprehensive and appropriate information to anyone affected by cancer, including family or friends. We provide a free confidential drop in service in a relaxed and friendly environment. Our staff and trained volunteers can help you find the most appropriate resources and services for your query.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Newham University Hospital , Barts Health NHS Trust
St Andrews Wing , Main Reception
Glenn Road,
E13 8SL
Colsum Akanjee-Khan, Macmillan Information and Support Manager on 0207 363 8758
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10.00-16.00 (except bank holidays)

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Redditch
Redditch / macmillan.org.uk
We offer Emotional Support and can refer and signpost you to other services.
Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Redditch Cancer Information & Support Service
Alexandra Hospital,
Woodrow Drive
B98 7UB
Angela Gillitt on 01527 503030 ext 44238
Opening Times
Monday-Thursday 09.00-16.00 and Friday 09.00-14.00
Macmillan in Rotherham

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Rotherham
Rotherham / macmillan.org.uk
We offer information and support to people living with cancer, their families and carers. We also provide counselling and can signpost you to other help and support you may need. Our benefit advice sessions are available by appointment on Thursday mornings.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Hospital
Health Information, Macmillan Pod, Main Entrance
S60 2UD
Angela Eyre and Paula Lowson on 01709 427 655
Opening Times
Monday - Thursday 10am till 4pm, Friday 10am till 12.00pm

Macmillan Benefits Advice Service in Rotherham
Rotherham / macmillan.org.uk
The service is provided through telephone advice, hospital and office appointments. Access to the service is by referral from any health professional or self referral. Specific services include, applying for benefits including the completion of application forms, means tested benefit calculations, challenging benefits decisions and tribunal, representation, accessing Macmillan and other charitable grants, applying for blue badges and help with bereavement benefits.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Riverside House,
Main Street,
S60 1AE
Katy Lewis (Macmillan Manager) on 01709 823645
Opening Times
Mondays to Fridays 09.00-17.00
Catchment Area
Anyone living or receiving treatment within the Rotherham Borough.
Macmillan in Shrewsbury

Macmillan Cancer Support Centre at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
Shrewsbury / macmillan.org.uk
The service is staffed by two Macmillan professionals and supported by trained volunteers. They are able to offer cancer information materials, Support, local information, signposting to other services to anyone who has been affected by cancer, in a safe and confidential environment. If you have a cancer diagnosis, are worried about cancer or are visiting on behalf of a friend or relative we can provide information that covers the cancer journey, including pre-diagnosis, diagnosis and treatments, living with and beyond cancer, palliative and end of life care. We can refer to the Macmillan Welfare Rights Service, complementary therapies, counselling and signpost to other local agencies and support groups. If you need someone to talk to we can give you the time you need to listen. Being affected by a cancer diagnosis can affect so many areas of your life and we are here to support you.
Cancer information materials Information Other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Support Centre
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital,
Hamar Centre for counselling and wellbeing
Mytton Oak Road,
Louise Clayton (until 30 November 2020) and Jessica Brindley on 01743261000 ext 1957
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Macmillan Welfare Rights Service, Shropshire
Shrewsbury / macmillan.org.uk
This service meets people affected by cancer at key pathway points – diagnosis and staging; treatment; palliative care and end of life. This includes clients, carers and families, with those recently bereaved also able to access the service. Specialist welfare benefits advice for people affected by cancer. They can advise on what benefits you could claim and also give guidance on issues around housing, employment, as well as helping you with applications for benefits e.g making calls, form filling. They can also help you apply for one-off grants to help with fuel costs or to pay for a convalescent holiday or a new household item. They can also provide assistance with the claims process and representation at appeal. Also offers face to face appointments, telephone advice and home visits.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Hamar Centre,
Royal Srewsbury Hospital North
Mytton Oak Road
01743 492405
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm
Catchment Area
People living in Shropshire and/or receiving treatment at either the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital or the Princess Royal Hospital (Telford)

Get Active Feel Good Shropshire (Move More)
Shropshire / macmillan.org.uk
Physical Activity Service
Get Active Feel Good Shropshire is a scheme to help you to maintain or increase physical activity levels. Our highly trained cancer and exercise professionals really understand cancer and can create a physical activity programme just for you, as well as giving you ongoing support.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Hamar Centre
Mytton Oak Rd,
Gareth Mapp and Kim Bebbington on 07746 462456

Sleaford Breast Cancer Drop in
Sleaford / macmillan.org.uk
This is a small informal group. We meet for a coffee or light lunch and our aim is to listen, support _& encourage to seek professional help if appropriate.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Hub, Navigation Wharf,
Carre Street,
NG34 7TW
Elizabeth Hill on 01522 695808 or Marion 01529 421392
Catchment Area
Lincolnshire Cambridgeshire
Macmillan in Slough

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre Wexham Park Hospital, Frimley Health Trust
Slough / fhft.nhs.uk
If you are affected by cancer, the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre can offer you high quality information and support in a relaxed, comfortable environment in your local community. We provide information and emotional support to patients/carers/families affected by cancer. We can offer benefits advice and further financial support, health & wellbeing information to empower self-management of a cancer diagnosis, signposting and referral to other sources of support including counselling, complementary therapies, wig service, support groups, Macmillan benefits advice services. We are wheelchair accessible and also have information for those with hearing or sight impairment.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Frimley Health Trust
Wexham Park Hospital, Wexham Street
0300 615 4886
Opening Times
Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm (excluding bank holidays)

Macmillan Benefits Advice Service Berkshire
Slough / rcab.org.uk
We provide free, confidential and impartial benefits advice to people living with cancer and their families. We can advise you on a range of issues including what benefits you’re eligible for, how to maximise your income, and help with appeals, grants, and transport costs. This service can be accessed via a referral from a healthcare professional, such as your specialist nurse, or by contacting the Macmillan Information & Support Centre
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Wexham Park Hospital
Wexham Park Lane
Telephone Wexham Park Hospital on 01753 634886
Opening Times
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm (excl. bank holidays)
Catchment Area
All cancer patients and their families living in and/or receiving treatment in Berkshire

Russian Cancer Support Group
Smethwick / e-c-n.co.uk
We will use Multilingual interpreter at each session where people with cancer or their carers will be able to take part in discussions, interact with different health & social care speakers, visit different community groups to develop links. We will also work on building confidence and motivating volunteers to learn how to arrange and facilitate group meetings, so they can be self-sufficient in the future to run the group.We hope to be able to reach “hard to engage with” people from Eastern Europe. We will engage with Eastern European cancer patients & their carers who are isolated and don’t access services available locally due to language and cultural barrier. We aim to bring professionals from Health & social care to the groups meetings and using multilingual facilitators to get the message across. Volunteer’s expenses will be used for trips to other groups where they can learn from each other. Leaflets and posters will also be produced in both English and East European languages regarding the content of each of the sessions and information about how they can attend.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Thimblemill Library
Thimblemill Road
B67 5RJ
Elena Jeanes on 079083 20040
Opening Times
Monday - Wednesday - 10am - 4pmThursday 12pm - 3pm
Catchment Area
Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Birmingham, Coventry and Leicester

Macmillan Cancer Support & Information Service at University Hospitals of North Midlands (County Hospital)
Stafford / uhnm.nhs.uk
We are here to support anyone affected by cancer. We can also support and advise the immediate family network and beyond including teachers, employers, local charities etc. We have a wide range of high quality and up-to-date cancer information materials on display which may be available in other formats such as CDs, Braille, large print or in other languages so please do ask if any of these are more suitable. We believe that information helps you to make choices, it helps you to find the support you need and it can help you regain some control over what is happening to you or those close to you. We can also signpost and/or refer you to various services and charities, both local and national, depending upon your individual needs. We can apply for a one-off grant to help with the extra cost of having cancer as well as blue badges and adult social care assessments on your behalf. You may just want to come and talk through how you are feeling and we have both trained staff and volunteer members who have been affected by cancer or cared for someone with cancer who will listen to you. We also offer the H.O.P.E Self-Management Programme and Look Good Feel Better skin and beauty workshops (for patients only).
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Financial support Hospital visiting Information Internet use available Provision for learning difficulties Provision for visually impaired Support from Health Professionals Telephone helpline Look Good, Feel Better Signposting to other services Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Support & Information Centre,
County Hospital (UHNM),
Weston Road
ST16 3SA
Linda Hough (Manager), Courtney Hollyoake and Matt Butler on 01785 236075
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10.00 – 16.00. If, however, you are making a special journey to visit us, please ring beforehand to make sure the relevant Centre is open and that someone is here to meet you. The centre is currently closed between 1pm – 1.30pm each day
Macmillan in Stevenage

Hertfordshire Macmillan Benefits Advice Service
Stevenage / hertfordshire.gov.uk
A partnership between Hertfordshire County Council and Macmillan Cancer Support, we provide a specialist benefits advice service for people affected by cancer and their carers at key pathway points – diagnosis and staging; treatment; palliative care and end of life. We can help with claims for benefits like personal independence payment, attendance allowance, ESA, universal credit and carer’s allowance and can assist in challenging decisions, from mandatory reconsideration through to appeal. The service can also help with applying for grants from Macmillan, Blue Badge applications and help with health costs such as travel to hospital
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Hertfordshire County Council, Farnham House
Six Hills Way
Contact the Macmillan benefits advice team on 01438 843456
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00
Catchment Area
People affected by cancer living, or receiving hospital treatment, in Hertfordshire.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Lister Hospital, Stevenage
Stevenage / macmillan.org.uk
The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre offers good quality, free, comprehensive and appropriate information and support in a warm, friendly and confidential environment. The centre is open to all & run by information specialists with considerable experience in helping people with cancer. Our trained volunteers also help in the centre. We can also talk to you about your concerns, or any questions you may have about cancer, its treatment, effects and living with and after the disease
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Lister hospital
Coreys Mill Lane,
Anne Dinneen/Juliette Chandler on 01438 284657 or 07554 436746
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 10.00 - 16.00 Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays)

Macmillan Cancer Support & Information Service at University Hospitals of North Midlands (Royal Stoke University Hospital)
Stoke on Trent / uhnm.nhs.uk
Our service is provided across two hospital sites, Royal Stoke University Hospital (Stoke on Trent) and County Hospital (Stafford), where you will find an easily accessible centre close to the main entrance on each site. We are here to support anyone affected by cancer. We can also support and advise the immediate family network and beyond including teachers, employers, local charities etc. We have a wide range of high quality and up-to-date cancer information materials on display which may be available in other formats such as CDs, Braille, large print or in other languages so please do ask if any of these are more suitable. We believe that information helps you to make choices, it helps you to find the support you need and it can help you regain some control over what is happening to you or those close to you. We can also signpost and/or refer you to various services and charities, both local and national, depending upon your individual needs. We can apply for a one-off grant to help with the extra cost of having cancer as well as blue badges and adult social care assessments on your behalf. You may just want to come and talk through how you are feeling and we have both staff and volunteer members who have been affected by cancer or cared for someone with cancer who will listen to you. We also offer the H.O.P.E Self-Management Programme and Look Good Feel Better skin and beauty workshops (for patients only). We have a strong partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support since receiving both their support and funding to open our centre in Royal Stoke University Hospital in 2003 which is why we share the name Macmillan in our title. This of course is not to be confused with the local hospice who ‘promotes comprehensive care for those with progressive, advanced disease and a limited life expectancy in order that they may achieve the best quality of life’ and who is affectionately known as the ‘Dougie Mac’.
Services: Cancer information materials, Cancer information materials in other languages, Financial support, Hospital visiting, Information, Internet use available, Provision for learning difficulties, Provision for visually impaired, Support from Health Professionals, Telephone helpline, Look Good, Feel Better, Signposting to other services, Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Support Centre
Royal Stoke University Hospital, Ground Floor, Main Building,
Newcastle Road,
Stoke on Trent
Linda Hough (Manager), Courtney Hollyoake and Matt Butler on 01782 676333
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10.00 – 16.00. If, however, you are making a special journey to visit us, please ring beforehand to make sure the relevant Centre is open and that someone is here to meet you.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at the Rigby Unit, Stratford Hospital, Stratford upon Avon
Stratford upon Avon / swft.nhs.uk
Managed by experienced healthcare professionals, together with volunteers, Stratford upon Avon's Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service helps to improve the quality of life for people affected by cancer by providing information and support to cancer patients, families, friends, carers and hospital staff. This includes benefits and financial advice, signposting to other services as appropriate, referral to Clinical Psychologist and practical advice. We're also here to listen to you and discuss how cancer is affecting your life. You can talk to us confidentially in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Information Benefits Advice Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services
Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Information and Support Centre
Rigby Unit (Buidling One), Stratford Hospital
Stratford upon Avon
CV37 6NX
Deborah Smith on 01789 205831 Ext. 5871
Opening Times
Open Wednesday and Friday only, 08.30 - 16.00

Macmillan Money and Work Service - Nottinghamshire
Sutton-in-Ashfield / macmillan.org.uk
The Macmillan Money and Work team are advisers with specialist knowledge of all the financial benefits available to people living with and beyond cancer, their relatives and carers. We can offer you up-to-date, confidential advice and can support you by working out and accessing the financial help you may be entitled to. We can also help you to apply for a Macmillan Grant. Our local team are happy to support you with all things benefits-related and if you have other money worries or work-related issues they can refer you to our telephone support line where a team of specialists can help you with queries at work or about your mortgage, pensions, Insurance and energy advice.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Kings Mill Hospital
Mansfield Road
NG17 4JL
Macmillan Money and Work Service on 01274 987 600
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Catchment Area
Residents of Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire

Macmillan Cancer Support Centre at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
Telford / macmillan.org.uk
The service is staffed by two Macmillan professionals and supported by trained volunteers. They are able to offer cancer information materials, Support, local information, signposting to other services to anyone who has been affected by cancer, in a safe and confidential environment. If you have a cancer diagnosis, are worried about cancer or are visiting on behalf of a friend or relative we can provide information that covers the cancer journey, including pre-diagnosis, diagnosis and treatments, living with and beyond cancer, palliative and end of life care. We can refer to the Macmillan Welfare Rights Service, complementary therapies, counselling and signpost to other local agencies and support groups. If you need someone to talk to we can give you the time you need to listen. Being affected by a cancer diagnosis can affect so many areas of your life and we are here to support you.
Cancer information materials Information Other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Support Centre,
Princess Royal Hospital
Apley Castle
Kelly Pritchard on 01952 565702
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday 9am to 4pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Croydon University Hospital
Thornton Heath / croydonhealthservices.nhs.uk
Walk in service for information, emotional and practical support. Information - leaflets, books, CDs and DVDs. Patient computer to access cancer information. Complementary therapy services include massage, reflexology healing. Also have meditation, yoga and art class. Counselling, financial advice and Walking for Health on Wednesdays and Fridays. There is an outreach service in the Healthy Hub at the local library in Katherine Street between 11 -12:30 on the first Monday of the month. There is a HOPE 6 week of 2.5 hours workshops in evenings.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Croydon University Hospital, Nightingale House,
530 London Road,
Thornton Heath
Benny Millier on 020 8401 3000 ext. 5744 or 020 8401 3441
Opening Times
Mon - Friday - 09.00-17.00
Macmillan in Walsall

Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Hub - Walsall Manor Hospital
Walsall / macmillan.org.uk
If you’re affected by cancer, the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Hub can offer patients, carers and their families, information and support in a relaxed and comfortable environment within the hospital. We can refer patients to appropriate services that they may wish or need to access when diagnosed, during treatment and beyond i.e. Psychology Support, the Benefit Advice Service, Physical Activities programmes within the area, Complementary Therapies, Look Good Feel Better (Pampering Therapy), Health & Wellbeing Forum and Events, the Living With and Beyond Cancer Programme. We provide a range of cancer information leaflets and details of local support groups within the Walsall.
Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Counselling Financial support Information Support from Health Professionals Telephone helpline Benefits Advice
Look Good, Feel Better Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Outpatients & Day Case Centre, Near Route 006
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Manor Hospital,
Moat Road
Kaz Kaur on 01922 721172 Ext: 7273
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm, closed between 12.00noon – 1.00pm

Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Hub - Walsall Manor Hospital
Walsall / macmillan.org.uk
If you’re affected by cancer, the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Hub can offer patients, carers and their families, information and support in a relaxed and comfortable environment within the hospital. We can refer patients to appropriate services that they may wish or need to access when diagnosed, during treatment and beyond i.e. Psychology Support, the Benefit Advice Service, Physical Activities programmes within the area, Complementary Therapies, Look Good Feel Better (Pampering Therapy), Health & Wellbeing Forum and Events, the Living With and Beyond Cancer Programme. We provide a range of cancer information leaflets and details of local support groups within the Walsall.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Outpatients & Day Case Centre, Near Route 006
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Manor Hospital, Moat Road
Kaz Kaur on 01922 721172 Ext: 7273
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm, closed between 12.00noon – 1.00pm

Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service at The Aylesford Unit, Warwick Hospital
Warwick / swft.nhs.uk
Managed by experienced healthcare professionals, together with volunteers, the team helps to improve the quality of life for people affected by cancer by providing information and support to cancer patients, families, friends, carers and hospital staff. This includes benefits and financial advice, signposting to other services as appropriate, referral to Clinical Psychologist and practical advice. We're also here to listen to you and discuss how cancer is affecting your life. You can talk to us confidentially in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Aylesford Unit, Warwick Hospital
Lakin Road
CV34 5BW
Deborah Smith or Shirley Griffin on 01926 495321 ext 8214
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 08.30 -16.00

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Watford Hospital
Watford / macmillan.org.uk
We are a drop-in Centre and our visitors are patients, their families or health care professionals supporting them. They might want to know about a particular cancer, getting help when discharged or just wish to talk to someone about how they are feeling. The Centre is run by a Macmillan Information Manager and supported by trained volunteers who provide an essential service assisting visitors. They find the right booklet or drug factsheet, listen to their fears or signpost them to an outside organisation. They also undertake ward visits to cancer in-patients and take telephone calls for nurses.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Princess Michael Of Kent Building
Watford General Hospital
Vicarage Road
WD18 0HB
01923 436326
Opening Times
10:00 - 16:00 (Mon-Fri, except Bank Holidays)

The Courtyard Cancer Information and Support Service at Sandwell Hospital
West Bromwich / nhs.net
The Centre is run by a team of volunteers and supported by the Trust’s Macmillan Living with and Beyond Cancer Team. We aim to be open and accessible to all and strive to ensure that each and every person who calls has their needs identified and met. For patients and their carers/loved ones, we aim to deliver caring, confidential non-clinical support alongside clinical pathways, at a time when it is most needed. Our services include: • Meet and Greet Reception area with information and services on display for visitors to browse • Sign posting to local hospital and community cancer support and wellbeing services (including Support Groups and financial/benefits advice) • Access to free cancer patient information (both national and for local services) For patients undergoing treatment we offer: • Wig Fitting Services (via hospital referral only) • A Listening Ear - where patients / carers are able to chat about their concerns in a friendly, supportive and confidential environment (via drop-in, no appointment necessary) • Headways Service - Specialising in the use of headwear as an alternative to wigs, Headways provides advice and support to patients who may be experiencing hair loss or thinning as a result of treatment. Specialist headwear and accessories are also stocked and available to purchase (open to all, via appointment only).
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Information Provision for deaf/hard of hearing Provision for learning difficulties Telephone helpline Written resources in other languages Benefits Advice
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Sandwell Hospital
West Bromwich
B71 4HJ
Emma Hunstone on 0121 507 3792

Coventry Central Library Information Point
West Midlands / coventry.gov.uk
We provide free information resources for users to view on site or take away. Users can also access online information at this site. We can signpost to other local support services and groups.
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Information Internet use available Provision for learning difficulties Provision for visually impaired Outreach
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Coventry Central Library
Smithford Way,
West Midlands
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 09.00 - 19.00, Saturday 09.00 - 16.30, Sunday 12.00 - 16.00
Macmillan in Wolverhampton

Macmillan Support and Information Centre at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, New Cross Hospital
Wolverhampton / cancercarewolverhampton.nhs.uk
We offer support and information to anyone who has concerns about cancer, their relatives, friends and carers. We can help you with the practical aspects of living with cancer; from finance and benefits support to helping with filling out forms and travel insurance. Information on health promotion, prevention and detection of cancer is also available. The Headlines hair loss service is also held at our centre.
Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Information Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Support and Information Centre (Zone C, location C1)
New Cross Hospital
WV10 0QP
Telephone on 01902 695234
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10.00-16.00

Wolverhampton Macmillan Welfare Rights Service
Wolverhampton / macmillan.org.uk
This service meets people affected by cancer at key pathway points – diagnosis and staging; treatment; palliative care and end of life. This includes clients, carers and families, with those recently bereaved also able to access the service. Specialist welfare benefits advice for people affected by cancer. They can advise on what benefits you could claim and also give guidance on issues around housing, employment, as well as helping you with applications for benefits e.g making calls, form filling. They can also help you apply for one-off grants to help with fuel costs or to pay for a convalescent holiday or a new household item. They can also provide assistance with the claims process and representation at appeal. The service holds the award for Advice Quality Standard.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
New Cross Hospital
Wolverhampton Road
WV10 0QP
01902 695780
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm
Catchment Area
People living within the Wolverhampton local authority boundary and/or receiving treatment at New Cross Hospital.
Macmillan in Worcester

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service in Worcestershire
Worcester / macmillan.org.uk
The centres, initially funded by Macmillan Cancer Support are part of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and offer a safe and relaxed environment at your local hospital. We also offer referral and signposting to other services such as benefits advice, buddying and befriending, exercise, self-help and support..
Cancer information materials Information Signposting to other services Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Worcestershire Royal Hospital
Charles Hastings Way
Clare Arthur on Tel 01905 733837
Opening Times
Monday-Friday 09.30-16.00

Worcestershire Macmillan Citizens Advice
Worcester / macmillan.org.uk
Free, confidential and impartial advice for people living with cancer, their carers and relatives aimed at helping with the financial cost of cancer. Home and hospital visits are available. You can contact us by phone, letter or e-mail to make an appointment and get advice. You can also access the service by being referred by a Macmillan or Specialist Nurse or via the Macmillan information pods at Kidderminster, Redditch and Worcester Hospitals.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Old Glove Factory,
13A Lowesmoor,
01905 725 946
Opening Times
Telephone Line: 9.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday
Catchment Area
People living or receiving treatment in Worcestershire

Worcester Cancer Support Group
Worcester / worcestercancersupportgroup.blogspot.co.uk
Services provided include: Telephone support, Home Visits, Bereavement Support
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Spire South Bank Hospital,
139 Bath Road.
Sylvia Render on 01905 422654 (24hrs 01905 422654)
Catchment Area
Worcester and surrounding area

maggiescentres.orgWhatever kind of cancer, and whatever stage you’re at – we're here with you. Many of our staff are NHS-trained and all our Cancer Support Specialists have expert knowledge about cancer and treatment.
All our support is free, and no appointment or referral is needed
For more details, select a location above.

Maggie's Nottingham
Nottingham / maggies.org
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone affected by cancer is welcome – from just being diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is offered at all Maggie’s Centres, including Maggie’s “Programme of Support” which is tailored to each person’s individual need. The professional experts who work at Maggie's will guide you through practical information and emotional support to help you to find the support you need and your Programme of Support can range from advice on finances and nutrition, to stress management and relaxation, and much more. The Programme of Support is designed to help at any stage of cancer and can be accessed at your local Maggie’s Centre, as and when you need it
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Maggie's Nottingham, Gate 3,
Nottingham City Hospital Campus,
Hucknall Road,
Annie Walton – Centre Head on 0115 924 6210
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Move Charity
5kyourway.orgMOVE provide practical and online support to people living with and beyond cancer. We focus our services on children and young people living with and beyond cancer and also a wider age range through our new 5k Your Way, Move Against Cancer initiative linked to parkrun.
For more details, select a location above.

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Bedford
Bedford / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Bandstand, Bedford park
Park Avenue,
MK41 7SS
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Poolsbrook
Chesterfield Derbyshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The cafe, Poolsbrook Country Park
Pavilion Drive,
Chesterfield Derbyshire
S43 3WL
Wendy Weston, Andy Morris and Tina Hensey on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Corby
Corby / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
West Glebe Recreation Ground
Cottingham Road
NN17 1SZ
Carol McDade on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Move Charity in Coventry

Move Charity
Coventry / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Conroy's Cafe, War Memorial Park
Kenilworth Road
Liz Pharoah on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Coventry
Coventry / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Conroy's Cafe, War Memorial Park
Kenilworth Road
Liz Pharoah on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Conkers Waterside
Derbyshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Conkers Waterside Centre,
Bath Lane
DE12 6BA
Ainslea Cross, James Cobb and Mark Boast on 07835966916
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Rickmansworth
Hertfordshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Cafe in the Park, Rickmansworth Aquadrome
Frogmoor Lane, Rickmansworth
Juliet Fitzpatrick on 07785726657
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Leicester
Leicester / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
War Memorial, Victoria Park
Granville Road
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Lincoln
Lincoln / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Bandstand, Boultham Park
Cath Koutna and Fiona Roche on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Northampton
Northamptonshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Basketball court, The Racecourse
Kettering Road, Northampton
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Nottingham
Nottingham / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Pavillion, Forest Recreation Ground
Lizzie Paddock and Tony Judge on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Sheffield Hallam
Sheffield Hallam / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Cafe, Endcliffe Park
Hunters Bar
Sheffield Hallam
S11 8TA
Helen Quirk and Rebecca Robinson on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Sheffield Hallam

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Shrewsbury
Shropshire / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Quarry, The bandstand in the Quarry park
Sarah, Miles, Amy, Sharon and Cath on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Southwark
Southwark / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Southwark Park, Gomm Road
SE16 2ET
Carolyn Garritt on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Stafford
Stafford / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Isabel Trail
Doxey Road
ST16 2TF
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Move Your Way Against Cancer Support Group - Newcastle under Lyme
Stoke / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Car Park, The Wammy
Lower Milehouse Road,
Newcastle Under Lyme
Clair Turner, Paul Colley, Sarah Dyde on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Newcastle Under Lyme

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Woking
Surrey / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Bandstand, Woking Park, Kingfield Road
GU22 9BA
Annette Covey on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Leamington Spa
Warwickshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Football Pavillion,
Newbold Comyn
Newbold Terrace East
Leamington Spa
CV32 4EW
Louise Roberts, Rebecca Wass, Jo Fleming on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Leamington Spa

NHS University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
uhb.nhs.ukThe Patrick Room, at the Cancer Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, provides information and support to people with cancer and their families in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere
For more details, select a location above.

Cancer Information at The Patrick Room
Birmingham / uhb.nhs.uk
The Patrick Room, at the Cancer Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, provides information and support to people with cancer and their families in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. A professional and experienced team, which is supported by trained volunteers, delivers the service. The Patrick Room is a drop in centre which provides a comprehensive library with leaflets and books as well as access to the Internet.
Cancer information materials Information Support from Health Professionals Telephone helpline
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Support Group
Patrick Room, Cancer Centre
Q.E. Hospital, Mindelsohn Way,
B15 2TH
Paul Litchfield on 01213713539 / 01213713537
Opening Times
9 – 5pm Monday to Friday

Northamptonshire Health & Wellbeing Board
youtube.comThe Northamptonshire Wellbeing Programme is an online service of webinars and short videos developed by healthcare professionals at Northampton and Kettering General Hospitals.
Patients, their families, carers and friends can access information related to finances, mindfulness, physical and emotional effects of cancer as well as tumour specific advice and guidance. There are regular live Q&A events with clinicians, healthcare professionals and other specialists available to answer questions across a range of topics. It is quick and easy to register for these events through the website.
For more details, select a location above.

Northamptonshire Wellbeing Programme
Northamptonshire / youtube.com
The Northamptonshire Wellbeing Programme is an online service of webinars and short videos developed by healthcare professionals at Northampton and Kettering General Hospitals. Patients, their families, carers and friends can access information related to finances, mindfulness, physical and emotional effects of cancer as well as tumour specific advice and guidance. There are regular live Q&A events with clinicians, healthcare professionals and other specialists available to answer questions across a range of topics. It is quick and easy to register for these events through the website.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Support Group
Northampton General Hospital
Cliftonville, Northampton
Opening Times

Pink Sisters Staffs Breast Cancer Support Group
pinksisters.co.ukWe are a friendly group of ladies who regularly meet both in group and socially to provide advice, support and friendship at diagnosis, throughout treatment and beyond.
For more details, select a location above.

Pink Sisters Staffs Breast Cancer Support Group
Stoke on Trent / pinksisters.co.uk
We are a friendly group of ladies who regularly meet both in group and socially to provide advice, support and friendship at diagnosis, throughout treatment and beyond. We also have guest speakers at our meetings to give advice on their services that may help before, during and after treatment. We are predominantly Breast Cancer Survivors but also offer support to anyone with any cancer diagnosis.
Services: Befriending, Cancer information materials, Counselling, Home visiting, Information
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
The Bridge Centre,
Birches Head Road
Stoke on Trent
Jackie Mackenzie on 07786 007315 (All day everyday)
Opening Times
every second Monday of the month
Catchment Area

Rennie Grove Hospice Care
renniegrove.orgWe offer a friendly environment and time for patients, family, carers and friends to share concerns, ask questions and obtain up-to-date information.
For more details, select a location above.

Grove House Drop-In information and support
St. Albans / renniegrove.org
We offer a friendly environment and time for patients, family, carers and friends to share concerns, ask questions and obtain up-to-date information.
We can refer callers who are registered with a GP within the Grove House catchment area (St. Albans, Harpenden & Dacorum) to Grove House Day Services such as a Specialist Nurse Clinic, Day Hospice, therapies and counselling.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Hospice
Grove House
Waverley Road
St. Albans
Poppy Montgomery-Ward on 01727 731013
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Rotherham Breast Cancer Support Group
We offer a warm and friendly welcome with practical help and emotional support to ladies diagnosed with breast cancer.
For more details, select a location above.
Rotherham Breast Cancer Support Group
where we offer a warm and friendly welcome with practical help and emotional support to ladies diagnosed with breast cancer.
Services provided include: Carers, Relatives, Breast, Melanoma, Counselling, Cancer information materials, Support from Health Professionals, Home visiting, Befriending
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
14 Melbourne Ave
S26 2BW
Sylvia Danks on 0114 2872785 (9am-5pm)
Opening Times
A weekly drop-in between 10.00am and 2.00pm

St Neots Acorn Support Group
acornsupportgroup.org.ukMutual support is at the heart of all that we do. When we are able to meet again the following is the norm for our meetings. During the morning refreshments are provided including a light lunch. We usually have two complementary therapists offering Reflexology, Reiki and Light massage. Occasionally we invite a speaker on a relevant topic. In addition we arrange social events during the year, which may include meals at Christmas and New Year, a summer BBQ, visits to local places of interest or theater trips.
For more details, select a location above.

St Neots Acorn Support Group
Huntingdon / acornsupportgroup.org.uk
Mutual support is at the heart of all that we do. When we are able to meet again the following is the norm for our meetings. During the morning refreshments are provided including a light lunch. We usually have 2 complementary therapists offering Reflexology, Reiki and Light massage. Occasionally we invite a speaker on a relevant topic. In addition we arrange social events during the year, which may include meals at Christmas and New Year, a summer BBQ, visits to local places of interest or theatre trips. We make a small charge for attendance, to cover some meeting costs but invite donations and a personal contribution towards the cost of outings.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Massage Support Group
c/o Spinney View, The Drive
PE28 0SX
Bernard Dable on 07522 925 648 (Text and answering service only)
Catchment Area
St Neots town and villages in the surrounding area
Stretton Cancer Support Group
churchstrettonmedicalpractice.co.ukFor people in South Shropshire who have any type of cancer, their relatives and friends. We also support the bereaved.
For more details, select a location above.
Stretton Cancer Support Group
Church Stretton / churchstrettonmedicalpractice.co.uk
For people in South Shropshire who have any type of cancer, their relatives and friends. We also support the bereaved. Our focus is on support and care through our monthly programme. We can also provide information and signposting to local service providers.
Services provided include: access to cancer information, advice on seeking more detailed disease information and second opinions, a bi-monthly newsletter, monthly meetings at the Mayfair Community Centre in Church Stretton with speakers and social one-to-one time, summer events and Christmas lunch, signposting to local health and care providers, information on complementary therapy.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Easthope Rd,
Church Stretton
Lesley McIntyre on 01694 723 427
Catchment Area
South Shropshire – all people affected by any cancer, whether patient, carer, bereaved or friend.

Terrible Titties
terribletitties.orgEvery month we either have health professionals, holistic therapists or someone offering advice to help through the cancer journey. Family activities. Plenty of time to chat among ourselves and offer support to each other.
For more details, select a location above.

Terrible Titties & Other Bitties
Stafford / terribletitties.org
Every month we either have health professionals, holistic therapists or someone offering advice to help through the cancer journey. Family activities. Plenty of time to chat among ourselves and offer support to each other.
Group supports: adults; carers; patients; relatives; young adults affected by cancer; young adults with cancer; parents of children or young adults with cancer and women,
Befriending Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Counselling Equipment loan Home visiting Hospital visiting Information Professional counselling
Provision for learning difficulties Telephone helpline Transport service
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group Yoga
Stafford Rugby Club
The County Ground,
Blackberry Lane
ST16 2TT
Rachael Jordan or Natasha Moore on 07366 923048 (Anytime)
Catchment Area

The Facefax Association
facefax.co.ukIn 2009 the Facefax Association charity extended its services and opened The Dunstone Bennett Complementary Centre which offers support for people in Northamptonshire on a journey through any type of cancer.
For more details, select a location above.

The Dunstone Bennett Complementary Centre
Northampton / facefax.co.uk
In 2009 the Facefax Association charity extended its services and opened The Dunstone Bennett Complementary Centre which offers support for people in Northamptonshire on a journey through any type of cancer.The complementary health centre is run by a team of dedicated volunteers who work closely with medical staff at Northampton General Hospital and Macmillan, providing services for cancer patients, their family members, loved ones and carers. CONTACT US TO ARRANGE AN INITIAL VISIT WHEN WE CAN DISCUSS YOUR TREATMENT OPTIONS AND SERVICES AVAILABLE.
ervices offered: Reiki; Indian Head Massage; Reflexology; Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage; Beauty Treatments & Advice; Counselling; Art Workshops; Support Groups.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
The Basement Suite
38 Billing Road
01604 635889
Opening Times
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 9.30am to 1pm

The Healing Voices Choir
facebook.comOur group provides an opportunity for anyone affected by cancer to come together to sing for fun
For more details, select a location above.

The Healing Voices Choir
Stafford / facebook.com
Our group provides an opportunity for anyone affected by cancer to come together to sing for fun.Group supports everybody offering alternative activities to socialise and share experiences.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Choir Support Group
The Baptist Church
Sandon Road
ST16 3HW
Sue Rhodes (Secretary), Steve Owen (Chairman) on 07936683904 Sue Rhodes 07811 344063 Mark Dalton 07710 502355

The Mulberry Centre
themulberrycentre.co.ukOur core mission is to improve the lives of anyone affected by cancer, including those with a diagnosis, carers, family members and bereaved relatives, by enhancing emotional, psychological and physical well-being.
For more details, select a location above.

The Mulberry Centre
Isleworth / themulberrycentre.co.uk
The Centre has re-opened with bookable face to face appointments for counselling and emotional support sessions.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Financial Support Massage Support Group
The Mulberry Centre
West Middlesex University Hospital
Twickenham Road
Callers will be directed to an appropriate member of the team on 020 8321 6300
Opening Times
10 am to 4pm from Monday to Friday and on Thursdays we are open until 8pm excluding Bank Holidays and Christmas closure

The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre
nightingalesupport.org.ukGroup supports Adults, Carers, Patients, Relatives, Young adults affected by cancer, Young adults with cancer, Parents of Children or Young Adults with cancer, Men, Women
For more details, select a location above.

The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre
Enfield / nightingalesupport.org.uk
Group supports Adults, Carers, Patients, Relatives, Young adults affected by cancer, Young adults with cancer, Parents of Children or Young Adults with cancer, Men, Women
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre
187a Baker Street
Fiona Connell on 0208 366 4333 (Mon-Fri/ 09:00 – 17:30)
The Patient Cancer Support Group Shepperton
sheppertonmedicalpractice.co.ukThe purpose of the group is to support each other, talk about our own experiences, socialise and sometimes have talks by health professionals. It’s open to all cancer patients, carers and anyone who has been affected by cancer
For more details, select a location above.
The Patient Cancer Support
Shepperton / sheppertonmedicalpractice.co.uk
The purpose of the group is to support each other, talk about our own experiences, socialise and sometimes have talks by health professionals. It’s open to all cancer patients, carers and anyone who has been affected by cancer
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Support Group
Shepperton Medical Practice
Laleham Road
TW17 8EJ

Tottenham Hotspur Foundation
tottenhamhotspur.comThe Foundation’s Health & Wellbeing team develops programmes that improve physical health and mental wellbeing for people living in our local communities.
For more details, select a location above.

Barnet / tottenhamhotspur.com
Move4You with Tottenham Hotspur Foundation offers a 12-session guided physical activity programme across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to anyone over 18 who has had a cancer diagnosis in the last 5 years. The programme caters to all abilities and will help you get and stay active. Our professionals really understand cancer and can create a physical activity programme just for you, as well as giving you ongoing support. We deliver one-to-one small group exercise classes where the instructors can develop close relationships with the patient and signpost to other local activities. Taking part in physical activity during and after cancer treatment can play a huge part in enabling a person to take back control and build up their confidence. It can help prevent and manage some of the effects of treatment, such as fatigue, depression, muscle wasting and risks to your heart health.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Disability Exercise
Katrina Heal on 0208 365 5138

Haringey / tottenhamhotspur.com
Move4You with Tottenham Hotspur Foundation offers a 12-session guided physical activity programme across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to anyone over 18 who has had a cancer diagnosis in the last 5 years. The programme caters to all abilities and will help you get and stay active. Our professionals really understand cancer and can create a physical activity programme just for you, as well as giving you ongoing support. We deliver one-to-one small group exercise classes where the instructors can develop close relationships with the patient and signpost to other local activities. Taking part in physical activity during and after cancer treatment can play a huge part in enabling a person to take back control and build up their confidence. It can help prevent and manage some of the effects of treatment, such as fatigue, depression, muscle wasting and risks to your heart health.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Disability Exercise
Tottenham Green Leisure centre
Haringey and Southbury Leisure Centre
N15 4JA
Katrina Heal on 0208 365 5138
Catchment Area
Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Islington and Haringey

Islington / tottenhamhotspur.com
Move4You with Tottenham Hotspur Foundation offers a 12-session guided physical activity programme across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to anyone over 18 who has had a cancer diagnosis in the last 5 years. The programme caters to all abilities and will help you get and stay active. Our professionals really understand cancer and can create a physical activity programme just for you, as well as giving you ongoing support. We deliver one-to-one small group exercise classes where the instructors can develop close relationships with the patient and signpost to other local activities. Taking part in physical activity during and after cancer treatment can play a huge part in enabling a person to take back control and build up their confidence. It can help prevent and manage some of the effects of treatment, such as fatigue, depression, muscle wasting and risks to your heart health.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Disability Exercise
N19 5NF
Katrina Heal on 0208 365 5138
Catchment Area
Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Islington and Haringey

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
walsallhealthcare.nhs.ukA cancer or palliative diagnosis can leave patients facing many challenges. From coping with their illness and treatment to accessing the correct information and support they require. Here at the Information & Support Services Centre we can support patients who have been touched by a cancer/palliative condition; or for those who just want information on cancer awareness, prevention and screening.
For more details, select a location above.

Walsall Palliative Care Centre, Information and Support Services - Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Walsall / walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk
A cancer or palliative diagnosis can leave patients facing many challenges. From coping with their illness and treatment to accessing the correct information and support they require. Here at the Information & Support Services Centre we can support patients who have been touched by a cancer/palliative condition; or for those who just want information on cancer awareness, prevention and screening. What can we offer: - Devise an information pack specifically tailored to the patient’s needs. - Language support for speakers of the BME community. - A friendly listening ear, to discuss concerns with in confidence. - Supervised access to the internet for health related information. - A comprehensive range of information literature that you can browse or take away. - Information on local and national support groups (including BME support groups). - Assistance in accessing services provided by other organisations e.g. CAB Benefits Advice; Assistance in accessing other NHS services e.g. Complementary Therapies, Psychology. - Free up to date information on cancer and palliative conditions to patients, carers and their families; supporting them throughout their journey. Outreach Support Officers: Cancer or Palliative patients who require on-going support can be referred to our Outreach Support Officers. They can provide support by: - Accompanying hospital appointments or treatments. - To enable patients, their carers and families to express their emotions and needs in a supportive environment. - Language support in English, Gujarati, Urdu, Hindi, and Punjabi (Interpreters can be booked for other languages). - To ensure patients, their carers and families receive equal access to information taking into account patients social, spiritual, cultural and ethnic needs. - To provide practical information and support to patients, their carers and families to help reduce the fear and uncertainty of living with cancer or a palliative condition.
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Home visiting Hospital visiting Information Internet use available Written resources in other languages Outreach Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Hospice
Walsall Palliative Care Centre
Goscote Lane
Information & Support Services on 01922 602 610
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm
Warwick Cancer Support Group
searchout.warwickshire.gov.ukThe group welcomes anyone affected by cancer.
For more details, select a location above.
Warwick Cancer Support Group
Warwick / searchout.warwickshire.gov.uk
support group that has speakers come every month to speak about, complimentary therapies, dietary therapy, financial support. The group welcomes anyone affected by cancer.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Aylesford Unit
Warwick Hospital
Lakin Road
CV34 5BW
Shirley Griffin, Macmillan Information and Support Specialist on 01926 495321 ext. 8214 or Lesley Gotschy Lung Nurse Specialist on 01926 495321 ext. 8231 (During Office Hours)
Catchment Area

Yeleni Therapy & Support Complimentary Health Centre & Charity
yelenisupport.co.ukWe have talks by health professionals and others, plus walking for health, occassional lunches ect. Just chatting to help and support each other in a social atmosphere
For more details, select a location above.

Hereford Cancer Support Group
Hereford / yelenisupport.co.uk
We have talks by health professionals and others, plus walking for health, occassional lunches ect. Just chatting to help and support each other in a social atmosphere.
Hereford Cancer Support Group support everybody including men and women affected by all cancers.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Hairpieces Massage Support Group Yoga
Yeleni Centre
2 Blackfriars Street,
from group members on 07943 417 415 (anytime)
Opening Times
the 4th Tuesday of every month 11.00-13.00
Catchment Area