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Axminster Wellbeing
axminsterwellbeing.comAided by a team of professionals and volunteers, the Centre inspires a wider understanding of the benefits of a healthy mind and body, by supporting people’s physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual needs.
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Beauty Despite Cancer
beautydespitecancer.comWelcome to the Jennifer Young Therapist Finder, just enter your address or Post Code in the box to find therapists and spa's in your area.
Each one of the therapists listed has completed specialist training at the Jennifer Young Training School, to deliver therapies to cancer patients, using products you already know and trust.
Founded by Jennifer Young in 2013, Beauty Despite Cancer is the recognised expert in specialist skincare for those living with and beyond cancer. We work alongside our sister company, Jennifer Young Training, which takes our products and puts them together with accredited protocols for oncology touch therapies everywhere from spas to hospitals.
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Cancer Support Salisbury
cancersupportsalisbury.comWe are a self funded, local community support group, founded, and led by a committed team of volunteers offering emotional and practical support to anyone affected by cancer.
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cancerwise.org.ukThe charity offers support and information to cancer patients, their families and carers in the West Sussex and East Hampshire area. The service we offer is one of enablement and empowerment in a caring and compassionate environment.
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charlies.org.ukCharlie’s Community Cancer Support and Therapy Centre. We offer friendship, support, holistic therapies, activities & events to help you live well with cancer.
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Hummingbird Cancer Support
hummingbirdcancersupport.orgHummingbird’s is an informal group offering both a friendly and relaxed space for people to chat and share experiences in combination with a selection of complementary therapies. We are open to adults of any age and at any stage of their cancer treatment pathway or those looking after them.
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Nancy's Natters
nancysnatters.wordpress.comA free monthly meet up for a massage and a chat for anyone who has experienced breast cancer
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Romsey Cancer Support Centre
janescarthhouse.co.ukAt Jane Scarth House we are here for people whose lives are affected by cancer.
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St Neots Acorn Support Group
acornsupportgroup.org.ukMutual support is at the heart of all that we do. When we are able to meet again the following is the norm for our meetings. During the morning refreshments are provided including a light lunch. We usually have two complementary therapists offering Reflexology, Reiki and Light massage. Occasionally we invite a speaker on a relevant topic. In addition we arrange social events during the year, which may include meals at Christmas and New Year, a summer BBQ, visits to local places of interest or theater trips.
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The Fountain Centre
fountaincentre.orgThe Fountain Centre was established in 1998 by three social/healthcare professionals Gail Maguire, Charlotte McDowell and Nicky Bracey, together with Monica Rowland, a supporter of the holistic approach.
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The Hummingbird Cancer Support & Therapy Centre
thehummingbirdcentre.org.ukMechelle and the team all have specialist training in working with people affected by cancer and are here, not only for the activities that take place, but for anyone who is on their journey, about to start their journey or even finished their journey.
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The Mulberry Centre
themulberrycentre.co.ukOur core mission is to improve the lives of anyone affected by cancer, including those with a diagnosis, carers, family members and bereaved relatives, by enhancing emotional, psychological and physical well-being.
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The Sara Lee Trust
saraleetrust.orgSupporting people affected by cancer and other life threatening illnesses in Hastings and Rother
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Yeleni Therapy & Support Complimentary Health Centre & Charity
yelenisupport.co.ukWe have talks by health professionals and others, plus walking for health, occassional lunches ect. Just chatting to help and support each other in a social atmosphere
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