Tagged Hairpieces

A & A Studios Hair & Cosmetics
facebook.comWe are proud to be associated with the NHS for over 60 years. As contractors to the NHS nationwide since 1946, A&A Studios was responsible for standardising the categories of hair pieces which are now used by the NHS throughout the UK.
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annabandana.co.ukA range of handmade, fitted headscarves, headwraps, sleep caps and bandanas
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Axminster & Lyme Regis Cancer Support
axminsterandlymecancersupport.co.ukAxminster and Lyme Cancer Support aims to provide support for anyone living with and beyond cancer in our community, including relatives and carers, regardless of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. We provide information, educational literature and hold meetings around a variety of issues surrounding a cancer diagnosis or specific cancers.
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Bohemia Fashions Headwear
bohemiaheadwear.co.ukComfortable headwear for people experiencing hair loss.
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Cancer Hair Care
cancerhaircare.co.ukUK's leading hair loss support charity - EYEBROWS & EYELASHES, HAIR
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hairinxs.comA hair salon specialising in hair loss and hair thinning solutions, including hair replacement systems
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Jennifer Effie's Hair Solutions
jehair.comOffers bespoke wigs and hair replacement systems for people experiencing hair loss because of chemotherapy
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Lucinda Ellery
lucindaellery-hairloss.co.ukA hair loss consultancy that provide a range of hair loss solutions. With consultancies in London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Bristol and Solihull
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Merchant Wigs & Hair
merchant-wigs-and-hair-systems.business.siteWig and hair replacement specialists. Based in Scotland.
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Olive Tree Cancer Support
olivetreecancersupport.org.ukWelcome to the Olive Tree Cancer Support Centre - the centre for everyone affected by cancer.
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Parrucche Wigs & Hair Boutique
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Simply Wigs
simplywigs.co.ukWigs for Cancer Patients help to ease the difficult journey through chemotherapy which can have many devastating side effects including hair loss. Ultimately it is your own personal decision if you wish to wear a wig. If you are undergoing chemotherapy and have decided to wear a wig, then please feel reassured that our carefully selected range of Cancer Wigs are so fabulously advanced that we are confident that there will be a style and fit suitable for every woman. If you are undergoing cancer treatment, you are eligible to claim the VAT back on all Wigs for Cancer Patients at the original purchase price which is currently at 20%.
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The Fountain Centre
fountaincentre.orgThe Fountain Centre was established in 1998 by three social/healthcare professionals Gail Maguire, Charlotte McDowell and Nicky Bracey, together with Monica Rowland, a supporter of the holistic approach.
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trendco.co.ukWig suppliers with mail-order service and salons in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Hove, Liverpool, London, Manchester and Nottingham
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trendswigs.co.ukSpecialists with a wide range of wigs available by mail order or appointment in Sheffield
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Wig Bank
wigbank.comSell and hire second-hand wigs that have been washed, conditioned and disinfected. Based at a network of locations around the UK, full details are available on the website.
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Wigs for Heroes
wigsforheroes.orgWe are a grass roots charity located in the heart of Tottenham, North London who aim to support people undergoing cancer treatment. This could be in the form of a wig grant*, pamper pack, workshop, event / meet up, online support group or offer online helpful resources such as video tutorials.
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wigs4u.co.ukSpecialists with a range of wigs and accessories available by mail order or appointment.
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Yeleni Therapy & Support Complimentary Health Centre & Charity
yelenisupport.co.ukWe have talks by health professionals and others, plus walking for health, occassional lunches ect. Just chatting to help and support each other in a social atmosphere
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