South Scotland

Macmillan Macmillan, we won’t rest, and we won’t settle for anything other than the best possible support for people with cancer.
We do whatever it takes.
For more details, select a location above.
Macmillan in Edinburgh

Macmillan @ Edinburgh Libraries - Central Library
Edinburgh /
If you’re affected by cancer, a friend, family member or friend the Macmillan Information and Support Service within Central Library can offer a wide range of Macmillan information booklets and access to specialist books to take away. This service is an information point only, our volunteer drop-ins are held on the following dates and time: Monday – Portobello Library 10.30 till 2.30; Tuesday – Drumbrae Library 10.30 till 2.30; Wednesday – Leith Library 10.30 till 2.30; Thursday – Craigmillar Library 10.30 till 2.30 and Friday – Morningside Library 10.30 till 2.30. Call us for more information.
Services: Cancer information materials, Counselling, Information, Internet use available, Signposting to other services, Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Central Library
George IV Bridge
Call on 0131 2428125
Opening Times
This service is an information point only, our volunteer drop-ins are held on the following dates and time: Monday – Portobello Library 10.30 till 2.30; Tuesday – Drumbrae Library 10.30 till 2.30; Wednesday – Leith Library 10.30 till 2.30; Thursday – Crai

Macmillan @ Edinburgh Libraries - Leith Library
Edinburgh /
We are a volunteer led Cancer Information and Support Service located in Leith Library. This is a free service providing information, support and signposting for people affected by cancer. As well as a listening ear, we also provide guidance and referral information on other Macmillan services which includes benefits advice, help at home and getting back into exercise. We offer a full range of Macmillan information booklets and access to specialist books.
Services: Cancer information materials, Counselling, Information, Internet use available, Telephone helpline, Signposting to other services, Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Leith Library
28-30 Ferry Road
Call on 0131 2428125
Opening Times
Wednesday 10.30am– 2.30pm

Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Edinburgh /
The Macmillan Information and Support Centre is situated within the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, it is a drop in centre, which aims to offer practical and emotional support to anyone affected by cancer. Our specialist qualified staff and experienced volunteers welcome all visitors to the centre with a friendly smile and a listening ear. We can assist by providing time to talk and offer high quality information and support within a quiet, relaxed, comfortable environment. Our services include; general and or specific information with guidance, complementary therapies, counseling, benefits and financial advice, end of life and bereavement support, hair loss/regrowth advice, signposting and referral to additional support services in your area and much more besides.
Services: Cancer information materials, Cancer information materials in other languages, Complementary therapies, Counselling, Information, Written resources in other languages
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Western General Hospital
Crewe Road
Elaine Gray on 0131 537 3907/07554 330599
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 8am – 4pm, with late evening service every Tuesdays & Thursdays till 6pm, subject to staff availability

Macmillan @ Edinburgh Libraries - Drumbrae Library Hub
Edinburgh /
We are a volunteer led Cancer Information and Support Service located in Drumrae Library. This is a free service providing information, support and signposting for people affected by cancer. As well as a listening ear, we also provide guidance and referral information on other Macmillan services which includes benefits advice, help at home and getting back into exercise. We offer a full range of Macmillan information booklets and access to specialist books.
Services: Cancer information materials, Counselling, Information, Internet use available, Signposting to other services, Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Drumbrae Library Hub
81 Drum Brae Drive
Call on 0131 2428125
Opening Times
Tuesday 10.30am – 2.30pm

Westerhaven, Macmillan Support Centre - Wester Halies Healthy Living Centre, Edinburgh
Edinburgh /
If you or a loved one is affected by cancer, the Westerhaven, Macmillan Information and Support Centre in South West Edinburgh can offer you high quality information and support in a relaxed, comfortable environment in your local community. We also offer free massage therapies, counselling, benefits advice, groupwork, 1 to 1 clinical support and outreach support.
Services: Complementary therapies, Counselling, InformationSupport from Health Professionals
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre
30 Harvesters Way
EH14 3JF
Rossi Durie, Project Coordinator and Clare Daly, Clinical Lead on 0131 453 9400
Opening Times
Office hours 9.30am - 5pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Macmillan @ Fauldhouse Partnership Centre, Cancer & Information Support Service
Fauldhouse /
If you're affected by cancer you may want to know there's someone you can turn to for help. Our service offers anyone affected by cancer access to information and support, whether you have cancer yourself or be a relative, friend or carer of someone with cancer.
We Offer: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Financial support, Information, Internet use available, Benefits Advice, Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Fauldhouse Partnership Centre
Lanrigg Road
EH47 9JD
Joanne MacKenzie / Caroline Hall / Rosie Bunce on 01506 283053
Opening Times
Drop in times are Thursday 10.00 - 12.00 by appointment only

Cancer Support Service, Borders Macmillan Centre
Melrose /
The cancer information and support centre has been developed as a joint venture between Macmillan Cancer Support and NHS Borders, to ensure anyone affected by cancer in the Borders has access to good quality and appropriate information and emotional support. What we offer: information on all aspects of living with cancer and its treatments, confidential support service for patients, family members and worried well, relaxation techniques, anxiety management, coping strategies, referral to complementary therapies, links to local and national organisations and support groups, a relaxing space, referral to complementary therapies and financial advice including benefits.
We Offer: Information
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Borders Macmillan Centre
Borders General Hospital
Kirsty Smith and Claire Irvine – CISS Managers on 01896 826888 or 01896 826835
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm Friday 8-12 Contact for an appointment to ensure Manager can see you
Macmillan in Midlothian

Macmillan @ Edinburgh Libraries - Morningside Library
Midlothian /
We are a volunteer led Cancer Information and Support Service located in Morningside Library. This is a free service providing information, support and signposting for people affected by cancer. As well as a listening ear, we also provide guidance and referral information on other Macmillan services which includes benefits advice, help at home and getting back into exercise. We offer a full range of Macmillan information booklets and access to specialist books.
Services: Cancer information materials, Counselling, Information, Internet use available, Telephone helpline, Signposting to other services, Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Morningside Library
184-186 Morningside Road
EH10 4PU
Telephone on 0131 242 8125
Opening Times
Friday 10.30am– 2.30pm

Macmillan @ Edinburgh Libraries - Craigmillar Library
Midlothian /
We are a volunteer led Cancer Information and Support Service located in Craigmillar Library. This is a free service providing information, support and signposting for people affected by cancer. As well as a listening ear, we also provide guidance and referral information on other Macmillan services which includes benefits advice, help at home and getting back into exercise. We offer a full range of Macmillan information booklets and access to specialist books.
Services: Cancer information materials, Counselling, Information, Internet use available, Signposting to other services, Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Craigmillar Library
101 Niddrie Mains Road
EH16 4DS
Telephone on 0131 2428125
Opening Times
Thursday 10.30am– 2.30pm

Macmillan @ Edinburgh Libraries - Portobello Library
Midlothian /
We are a volunteer led Cancer Information and Support Service located in Portobello Library. This is a free service providing information, support and signposting for people affected by cancer. As well as a listening ear, we also provide guidance and referral information on other Macmillan services which includes benefits advice, help at home and getting back into exercise. We offer a full range of Macmillan information booklets and access to specialist books.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Portobello Library
14 Rosefield Avenue
EH15 1AU
Call on 0131 2428125
Opening Times
Monday 10.30am - 2.30pm
Macmillan in West Lothian

Macmillan @ Strathbrock Partnership Centre, Cancer & Information Centre
West Lothian /
If you're affected by cancer you may want to know there's someone you can turn to for help. Our service offers anyone affected by cancer access to information and support, whether you have cancer yourself or be a relative, friend or carer of someone with cancer.
Services: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Financial support, Information, Internet use available, Benefits Advice, Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Strathbrock Partnership Centre
189a West Main Street
West Lothian
EH52 5LH
Joanne MacKenzie / Caroline Hall / Rosie Bunce on 01506 283053
Opening Times
Drop in times are Wednesday 13.00 - 15.00 and Friday 10.00 - 12.30

Macmillan @ Carmondean Connected Cancer Information & Support Centre
West Lothian /
If you're affected by cancer you may want to know there's someone you can turn to for help. Our service offers anyone affected by cancer access to information and support, whether you have cancer yourself or be a relative, friend or carer of someone with cancer.
Services: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Financial support, Information, Internet use available, Benefits Advice, Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Carmondean Connected Cormondean Centre
West Lothian
EH54 8PT
Joanne MacKenzie / Caroline Hall / Rosie Bunce on 01506 283053
Opening Times
Drop-in times are: Wednesday 11am – 1pm, Thursday 10am – 1pm

Macmillan @ Bathgate Partnership Centre, Cancer Information & Support Centre
West Lothian /
If you're affected by cancer you may want to know there's someone you can turn to for help. Our service offers anyone affected by cancer access to information and support, whether you have cancer yourself or be a relative, friend or carer of someone with cancer.
Services: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Financial support, Information, Internet use available, Benefits Advice, Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Lindsay House
South Bridge Street
West Lothian
EH48 1TS
Joanne MacKenzie / Caroline Hall / Rosie Bunce on 01506 283053

Macmillan @ Blackburn Partnership Centre
West Lothian /
If you're affected by cancer you may want to know there's someone you can turn to for help. Our service offers anyone affected by cancer access to information and support, whether you have cancer yourself or be a relative, friend or carer of someone with cancer.
We Offer: Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Financial support, Information, Internet use available, Benefits Advice, Signposting to other services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
West Lothian
EH47 7LL
Joanne MacKenzie / Caroline Hall / Rosie Bunce on 01506 283053
Opening Times
Tuesdays 11am – 1pm by appointment only

maggiescentres.orgWhatever kind of cancer, and whatever stage you’re at – we're here with you. Many of our staff are NHS-trained and all our Cancer Support Specialists have expert knowledge about cancer and treatment.
All our support is free, and no appointment or referral is needed
For more details, select a location above.

Maggie's Edinburgh
Edinburgh /
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone affected by cancer is welcome – from just being diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is offered at all Maggie’s Centres, including Maggie’s “Programme of Support” which is tailored to each person’s individual need. The professional experts who work at Maggie's will guide you through practical information and emotional support to help you to find the support you need and your Programme of Support can range from advice on finances and nutrition, to stress management and relaxation, and much else. The Programme of Support is designed to help at any stage of cancer and can be accessed at your local Maggie’s Centre, as and when you need it.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Western General Hospital
The Stables
Crewe Road
Andrew Anderson on 0131 537 3131
Opening Times
Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm (with some evening and weekend groups and courses)