South East England

Breast Cancer Kent Cancer Kent aims to improve the lives of those diagnosed with breast cancer in Kent.
For more details, select a location above.

Breast Cancer Kent
Maidstone /
Breast Cancer Kent aims to improve the lives of those diagnosed with breast cancer in Kent.
We do this by funding projects, equipment and research to support the work of the NHS Medical Teams at the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Breast Care Units, Kent Oncology Centre and the University of Kent School of biosciences.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Support Group
Catchment Area

Dimbleby Cancer Care
guysandstthomas.nhs.ukIf you are affected by cancer, the Dimbleby Macmillan Support Centre can offer you high-quality cancer information and support. We offer a range of information on all aspects of living with cancer along with psychological support, complementary therapies, workshops, support groups and signposting to benefits advice services
For more details, select a location above.

Dimbleby Cancer Information Drop-In centre
London /
The drop-in information centre is currently only open and available for patients attending the Cancer Centre for treatment or for a prearranged outpatient appointment. The information nurses are also providing a telephone service and this is open to anyone affected by cancer; patients, the friends or family of someone with cancer or health professionals.
The team also provides information on different cancers and treatments as well as the psychological, social and financial impact of cancer. Topics we often get asked about include: work issues, benefits entitlement, treatment and side effects, diet and exercise, holiday insurance, talking to children about a cancer diagnosis, concerns about life after cancer treatment, transport – including blue badges.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Dimbleby Cancer Care, Welcome Village, Cancer Centre
Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond,
Yvonne Oswald on 020 7188 5918
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:00.
If an information nurse is not available the reception staff can help take a message and an information nurse will get back in touch.

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Charitable Trust
ipswichhospital.nhs.ukIf you’re affected by cancer The John le Vay Cancer Support and Information Centre can offer you support and information to meet your individual needs in a relaxed, comfortable environment within the Ipswich Hospital Oncology department. We offer many support and exercise initiatives as well as complementary therapies, counselling, benefits advice and self-help and support. Call us for more information. We are an all-inclusive service, we have easy access, a hears loop, a translation service and we also have some easy read information. Whatever your needs are we will always do our best to meet them. We offer the following: Listening ear/refreshments; return to work advice and support; new patient information sessions; Health and Wellbeing events, holistic needs assessment; exercise referral scheme, telephone support and on line initiatives.
For more details, select a location above.

John Le Vay Cancer Support and Information Centre
Ipswich /
If you’re affected by cancer The John le Vay Cancer Support and Information Centre can offer you support and information to meet your individual needs in a relaxed, comfortable environment within the Ipswich Hospital Oncology department. We offer many support and exercise initiatives as well as complementary therapies, counselling, benefits advice and self-help and support. Call us for more information. We are an all-inclusive service, we have easy access, a hears loop, a translation service and we also have some easy read information. Whatever your needs are we will always do our best to meet them. We offer the following: Listening ear/refreshments; return to work advice and support; new patient information sessions; Health and Wellbeing events, holistic needs assessment; exercise referral scheme, telephone support and on line initiatives.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Woolverstone Wing, East Suffolk and North Essex
NHS Foundation Trust, Ipswich Hospital
Heath Road,
Louise Smith and Julie Finbow on 01473 715748 (there is an answerphone to leave a message if we are busy or out of hours)
Opening Times
Monday-Friday: 9- 4pm

Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust
hampshirehospitals.nhs.ukWe offer expert assistance for all health-related queries and will endeavour to find answers to your questions
For more details, select a location above.

Health Information Point (HiP), Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Basingstoke /
We offer expert assistance for all health-related queries and will endeavour to find answers to your questions
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Support Group
Health Information Point
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital
Aldermaston Road,
RG24 9NA
Telephone on 01256 313969 (voicemail)
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm (excluding public holidays)

Macmillan Macmillan, we won’t rest, and we won’t settle for anything other than the best possible support for people with cancer.
We do whatever it takes.
For more details, select a location above.

Basildon Hospital Macmillan Information and Support Service
Basildon /
The Macmillan Basildon Hospital Information and Support service is manned by trained staff and volunteers from the Basildon Hospital Macmillan Counselling Service and the Information Resource Service from St Luke’s Hospice.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Out Patients Departments
Basildon Hospital. Nethermayne
SS16 5NL
01375 648170
Opening Times
Mon 1.30pm – 4.30pm. Tues to Thurs – 9am to 4.30pm, Friday 9am to 12.30pm

The Macmillan Horizon Centre
Brighton /
The Macmillan Horizon Centre offers support for local people facing the toughest fight of their lives, including: specialist information advice and quality resources; welfare benefits advice; complementary therapies and physical activity services; hair and skincare advice; practical support and workshops to build skills and confidence to eat well and feel better; a cafe and a space for self help and support groups to meet. You can view our updated details on our website below.
Services: Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Complementary therapies Information Internet use available Professional counselling Benefits Advice Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
2 Bristol Gate
01273 468770 (Telephone available only during opening hours)
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 09.00 - 16.30, Saturday/Sunday scheduled pre-booked activities only

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre at West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Bury St Edmunds /
When you’re affected by cancer, having the right kind of information and support, at the right time, is essential. The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre at West Suffolk Hospital offers support, advice and information for anyone affected by cancer in a relaxed, friendly, comfortable environment. We are able to provide emotional support, a listening ear and lots of helpful resources and information. For cancer patients we can refer you to our benefits advisors, a cancer dietician, a counsellor, exercise class referrals and to our local wig suppliers. We also provide information regarding local support groups. We provide self-management courses called HOPE for patients and carers. The Macmillan Information and Support Centre is accessible for all users including people in wheelchairs.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Information and Support Centre, Macmillan Unit,
West Suffolk Hospital, Hardwick Lane,
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2QZ
Nicky McKee, Pat Kozaryn and Lilla Babaff on 01284 713 023
Opening Times
Mon - Fri 0900 -16:30 (excluding Bank Holidays)

Macmillan Information & Support Service
Cambridge /
We offer a wide range of services. We support patients in completion of the HNA, in completion of Macmillan grants, in providing referrals to different organisations including financial and emotional support, signposting to different support groups and any other form of non-clinical support.
Befriending Bereavement support Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Complementary therapies Counselling Dietary therapy
Equipment loan Financial support Home visiting Hospital visiting Information Internet use available Professional counselling Provision for deaf/hard of hearing Provision for learning difficulties Provision for visually impaired Spoken interpretation service Support from Health Professionals Telephone helpline Transport service Written resources in other languages Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Box 193, Hills Road
John Wortley and Laura Abbas on 01223 274801
Opening Times
We are now a fully remote service and can be contacted any time. Messages and emails are picked up Monday-Friday 08:00-16:00

The Macmillan Information and Support Centre at Chelsea and Westminster NHS FDN Trust
Chelsea /
We can provide cancer information, emotional and confidential one-to-one support to anyone affected by cancer.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Information and Support Centre, Lower Ground Floor/
Outpatient Atrium, Chelsea and Wesminster Hospital
369 Fulham Road,
SW10 9NH
Alison Boyd on 0203 315 2386
Opening Times
From 9th December Monday 9am – 6.30pm; Tuesday 9am-5pm; Wednesday 9am-5pm; Thursday 9-4pm; Friday 9-4pm (volunteer cover 10am-3pm every second Friday)

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at St Richards Hospital, Chichester
Chichester /
Our services for people affected by a cancer diagnosis include; information and support, a dedicated Macmillan/CAB benefits advice service. We also offer a range of complementary therapies, such as aromatherapy massage, Indian head massage, reflexology, reiki, Bach flower remedies, tai chi cha, creative relaxation. Support groups; younger adult group, secondary cancer group, gynae group, and lung group. Information for carers. Emotional support. Counselling assessments. Look Good Feel Better monthly sessions. Pamper sessions.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Fernhurst Centre,
St Richards Hospital
Spitalfields Lane
PO19 6SE
Marion Misselbrook on 01243 831727
Opening Times
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 08.00 – 16.00; Friday 08.00 – 12.00

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead
East Grinstead /
Drop in service for information and support for anyone affected by cancer. We can listen to you and discuss how cancer is affecting your life. You are welcome to just drop in to see us.
Services: Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Information Internet use available Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Other services Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Holtye Road
East Grinstead
RH19 3DZ
Ann Payne, Manager on 01342 414369
Opening Times
Monday - Friday, 10.00 - 16.00. Closed on Bank Holidays.

Macmillan Butterfly Centre at Epsom Hospital
Epsom /
Macmillan Butterfly Centre offers support to patients with cancer and their relatives, in a friendly, relaxing environment. The centre provides information, emotional support, the HOPE (Help with overcoming problems effectively) course to help people who have cancer to get on with their lives, complementary therapies, relaxation and confidential counselling. We also offer an image workshop which aims to give patients tips on clothing styles that suit, shopping tips, make-up tips, etc to help them gain confidence when they need it most. We have professional staff and experienced volunteers available to support people affected by cancer.The unit is served by a lift and has a disabled toilet.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Butterfly Centre, Epsom Hospital
1st Floor, Block B (Bradbury Wing), Dorking Road
KT18 7EG
Tarlika Patel on 01372 735456
Opening Times
Wednesday to Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm. The centre is open to anyone affected by a diagnosis of cancer.
Macmillan in Essex

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Southend Hospital
Essex /
We offer support to anybody affected by cancer on an individual basis. Services we provide include information & support, meditation & relaxation, complementary therapies, seated yoga, self-management courses, support groups, information events, Look Good Feel Better workshops, HeadStrong & wig service.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Main entrance of hospital,
Prittlewell Chase,
Friederike Englund on 01702 385101
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am till 4pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service – Cancer Well Being Centre, Colchester General Hospital
Essex /
We run a confidential, volunteer-led Information and Support Service. We provide practical advice and signposting to other agencies to supply you with services you require. We provide emotional support to anyone who has been affected by cancer and also offer support groups, self-help workshops , counselling, benefits advice and telephone support. Our centre has a huge range of information booklets that are free of charge. An appointment is not needed; just call in and let us know what you need.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Cancer Well Being Centre
Entrance of Radiotherapy Department,
Turner Road,
Debbie Farthing on 01206 745347
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 09.00-16.30

Macmillan Information and Support Service, in Mid Essex
Essex /
Staffed by Macmillan Information and Support Service Professionals and trained volunteers we are able to offer; literature on all aspects of living with and beyond cancer including specific tumour sites, treatments, side-effects and the emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis; Information on cancer related issues such as diet, fatigue, hair loss, work, travel and coping with the cost of cancer; Emotional support and the opportunity to talk to someone in a relaxed environment; Signposting to other services such as counselling, holistic therapies and support for carers; Contact details for local support groups for both patients and their families/carers; Help with completing grant applications and signposting to welfare benefits advice; HOPE courses; Health and wellbeing events
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Atrium, Broomfield Hospital
Court Road,
Samantha Chetiyawardana/Ali Perham-Marchant, Info Managers on 01245 515981
Opening Times
Mon, Tues, Thurs 10am -3.30pm (except Bank Holidays)

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Southend Hospital
Essex /
We offer support to anybody affected by cancer on an individual basis. Services we provide include information & support, meditation & relaxation, complementary therapies, seated yoga, self-management courses, support groups, information events, Look Good Feel Better workshops, HeadStrong & wig service.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Main entrance of hospital, Prittlewell Chase,
Friederike Englund on 01702 385101
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am till 4pm

The Sir Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre (Harrogate)
Harrogate /
At the Sir Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre we offer information and supportive care services for anyone affected by cancer living in the Harrogate and Rural District or receiving cancer treatment at Harrogate Hospital. Our services include: Acute Oncology Support Line 01423 555 444; complementary therapies; acupuncture, aromatherapy, bowen technique, Daoyin Tao, Emmett, hypnotherapy, massage, reflexology, Reiki, (by referral only); Feel More Like You beauty pamper sessions, run in conjunction with Rudding Park Hotel and Spa (please call to book a place); A hair loss service including wig fitting (by referral only), a discounted range of headwear is also available to buy to help with your hair loss during treatment; Art Therapy (by referral only); access to physical activity and exercise support groups for cancer patients through ‘Active Against Cancer’; Information to access to local support groups.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Sir Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre (Harrogate)
1 Willaston Crescent
Sarah Grant on 01423 55 7317
Opening Times

Hinchingbrooke Hospital Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Centre
Huntingdon /
Located in the newly refurbished Woodlands Centre at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, our experienced team of staff and trained volunteers are here to provide the information, practical advice and emotional support that is right for you. We offer a welcoming and informal space because we want you and those close to you to feel listened to, cared for and informed. Whether you’re a patient, family member, friend or carer, we’re here for you at any stage of your experience with cancer. We provide a confidential, informal and non-clinical environment for people to drop in and access a wide range of quality and accurate cancer information which complements information given by health professionals. We also have information pods in the Main Entrance of the hospital and in the Treatment Centre
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Woodlands Centre
Hinchingbrooke Hospital,
Hinchingbrooke Park
PE29 6NT
Please call us on 01480 416416 ext 8348
Opening Times
The service is open Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm

The Dimbleby Macmillan Support Centre, Guys Cancer at Queen Mary’s Hospital
Kent /
If you are affected by cancer, the Dimbleby Macmillan Support Centre can offer you high quality cancer information and support. We offer a range of information on all aspects of living with cancer along with psychological support, complementary therapies, workshops, support groups and signposting to benefits advice services
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Dimbleby Macmillan Support Centre
Guys Cancer at Queen Mary’s Hospital, ,
Frognal Avenue
DA14 6LT
The cancer information nurses on 0207 188 5918
Macmillan in London

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre at St George's University Hospital
London /
Whether you’re a friend, family, carer, patient or anyone affected by cancer, if you have questions about cancer, you can talk to us face-to-face in a relaxed and informal environment. We provide a wide range of information in different formats about: all cancers, their treatments and effects; financial, social and practical issues; how cancer affects your life and how to manage the effects; complementary therapies and how to access them; local Support groups; cancer prevention and healthy lifestyles. We offer emotional support, a friendly chat on the phone for those unable to meet in person, a variety of health and wellbeing activities on our YouTube Wellbeing channel, CanChat - a telephone helpline for our cancer patients and their loved ones, benefits and money advice and support. We also work closely with other services including the Macmillan Cancer Psychological Support team, Move More Wandsworth and local support providers
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Grosvenor Wing - Ground Wing, Blackshaw Road
SW17 0QT
Michelle Goode on 0203 299 5227
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Opening hours may occasionally vary. Please call before travelling. Closed on bank holidays.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service, Kings College Hospital, London
London /
We are here to support all those affected by cancer, including family, friends and colleagues. We provide a vast range of literature to aid understanding of treatments, side effects and diagnosis, in addition to a benefits advice service, access to support groups, cancer coaching and a wig fitting service. For haematology patients, a professional counselling service is also available. Our centre is a peaceful oasis away from the busy hospital setting, there is no need for a referral, come in for a coffee and a chat.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Ground Floor, Cicely Saunders Institute
King's College Hospital NHS Trust
King's College Hospital
Ray Wood on 01708 435174
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 09.00 - 16.00

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Royal Free Hospital, London
London /
If you, or anyone you know has been affected by a diagnosis of cancer then our Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre can offer you high quality information and a confidential listening service, in a relaxed and comfortable environment within the Oncology Outpatients Department at the Royal Free Hospital. We are also able to signpost and refer you in the direction of complementary therapies, support and self-help groups, counselling, and exercise groups.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Royal Free Hospital
Oncology Outpatients Department,
Pond Street,
Azmina Rose, Macmillan Cancer Support and Information Specialist on 0207 794 0500 x 31337

Macmillan Information and Support Service at the Central Middlesex Hospital
London /
The Macmillan Centre at Central Middlesex offers free and impartial advice and support to anybody affected by cancer. We offer a drop in service or an appointment can be arranged for lengthier consultations. We offer a referral or signposting service to other organisations and charities as appropriate.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Central Middlesex Hospital
Acton Lane,
NW10 7NS
Maggie Hennessy on 0208 4532190
Opening Times
Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 4.00pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Whipps Cross University Hospital
London /
We offer a friendly and confidential drop-in service to support anyone affected by cancer. This includes friends, family, carers and anyone worried about cancer. We carry a wide range of information, including resources in a variety of languages. We can signpost to complementary therapies, health and wellbeing events and local support groups. We also have a Macmillan benefits advisor in the centre twice a week who can be seen on an appointment basis.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Junction 4 Main corridor, Whipps Cross Hospital,
E11 1NR
Sharan Hatch and Lisa Tilley on 0208 535 6790
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 10.00-16.00

Macmillan Cancer Support and Information Service - University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre
London /
Our team of support and information specialists provide emotional support, information and practical advice to people with cancer and blood conditions, and their families and friends. This service is available for anyone whether treated at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) or elsewhere.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Support and Information Service,
University College Hospital ,Macmillan Cancer Centre,
Huntley Street,
Call UCH switchboard on 020 3447 3816 10am- 4pm
Opening Times
Drop in Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Homerton
London /
The Information Centre provides practical advice and support for people with cancer, their families and friends. This service works closely with the hospital based health professionals as well as other services based in the community by narrowing the gap and addressing the needs of people affected by cancer. Information is available through leaflets, booklets and DVDs. Written information available in a range of languages and with learning disability. The service provides welfare advice on Tuesday between 13.00 – 16.00 and Wednesday between 9.00 – 13.00and by appointment only.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Homerton Health Shop
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Homerton Row
E9 6SR
Madhu Agarwal on 020 85105191
Opening Times
Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday between 08.00-16.00

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service - St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London
London /
The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Team are located in the West Wing ground floor. We provide a confidential free drop in service to anyone affected by cancer patients, family or friends. We offer emotional support and practical advice that is right for you. We are staffed by a Macmillan Information and Support Manager, Support Workers and Trained Volunteers. We offer a warm welcome in an informal space where you and your loved ones can feel listened to, helped, supported and informed. We work closely with Toynbee Welfare and Benefits Advice service who provide patients with welfare and benefits advice on the wards and in the centre.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Cancer Information Centre St Bartholomews Hospital
Ground Floor, West Wing West Smithfield,
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 10.00 - 16.30

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre at The Royal London Hospital
London /
We offer a friendly and confidential drop-in service to support anyone affected by cancer. This includes friends, family, carers and anyone worried about cancer. We can signpost to complementary therapies, health and wellbeing events and local support groups. We also have a Macmillan benefits advisor in the centre twice a week to provide support on financial and benefit issues, seen on an appointment basis.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
9th floor, Urology Outpatients Reception
The Royal London Hospital
Sharan Hatch or Tania Akther on 0203 594 0508
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre at Charing Cross Hospital
London /
if you're affected by cancer our Macmillan Information Specialist can still provide a confidential service, offering high quality information and support. We can also signpost to complementary therapies, counselling services, benefits advice and other self-help and support if needed.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Information and Support Centre
Charing Cross Hospital
Fulham Palace Road
W6 8RF
Miranda Rodger on 020 331 30170 (messaging service)
Opening Times
Monday to Wednesday 8am -6pm; Thursday 8am – 5.30pm

Kent Oncology Macmillan Cancer Information and Service
Maidstone /
We offer free information and support services for anyone affected by cancer. You may have cancer yourself, care for a friend or relative, work as a healthcare professional or simply want to know more about cancer. Whatever your situation, you're welcome to drop in.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Kent Oncology Centre
Maidstone Hospital
Hermitage Lane
ME16 9QQ
Kent Oncology Macmillan Information and Support Centre on 01622 227064 (ext 27064)
Opening Times
Drop in Monday - Friday 9-4pm

Irene Crosswell Macmillan Wellbeing Lounge
Milton Keynes /
The Irene Crosswell Macmillan Wellbeing Lounge offers free and confidential information and support in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Whether you have questions about cancer prevention, have just been diagnosed or are living with and beyond cancer our service is there to help. We offer support to anyone affected by cancer, whether you have a cancer diagnosis yourself or you are supporting someone with cancer, we can support you. Our services include nurse led counselling, Macmillan HOPE course, Patient support group and ‘Beyond the C’ Choir. Our team consists of Cancer trained nurses, a Macmillan Physiotherapist, Macmillan Dietitian and Macmillan Psychologist.
Cancer information materials Cancer information materials in other languages Information Internet use available Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Irene Crosswell Macmillan Wellbeing Lounge Cancer Centre
Milton Keynes University Hospital,
Standing Way, Eaglestone
Milton Keynes
Samantha Timmins or Fay Grech-Marguerat on 01908 996563
Opening Times
Mon to Fri 09.00-17.00 for printed, audio and visual information. 1:1 support with a Macmillan Cancer Information Support Nurse by appointment. Appointments can also be made outside of these times. Please contact us for further details.
Macmillan in Peterborough

Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Centre, Peterborough – part of the Cancer Wellbeing Service
Peterborough /
Our experienced team of staff and trained volunteers are here to provide the information, practical advice and emotional support that is right for you. We offer a welcoming and informal space because we want you and those close to you to feel listened to, cared for and informed. Whether you’re a patient, family member, friend or carer, we’re here for you at any stage of your experience with cancer. We provide a confidential, informal and non-clinical environment for people to drop in and access a wide range of quality and accurate cancer information which complements information given by health professionals. We are part of the North West Anglia Foundation Trust’s Cancer Wellbeing Service and can talk to you about the range of individual and group support sessions that are available from here and help you to access these.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Cancer Wellbeing Service
Peterborough City Hospital, Dept 017, Haematology/Oncology Unit,
Bretton Gate,
Cindy Cottis and Graham Ball on 01733 673118
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. If you are travelling to visit the Centre, we ask you to call us beforehand to check that we will be there. or alternatively you can drop in to see us at the Cancer Wellbeing Service, which is nearby on the hospital site.

Cancer Wellbeing Service, Peterborough
Peterborough /
We provide a wellbeing, support and information service for anyone affected by cancer. Our specialist staff are available to offer advice and a listening ear. We provide a confidential, informal and non-clinical environment for people to drop in and access a wide range of quality and accurate cancer information which complements information given by health professionals. We provide a range of support services at the Centre as well as an environment where people can meet others in a similar situation, so no one feels isolated or alone. This support available includes: help with managing fatigue, sleep, anxiety, memory, building confidence and hot flushes; emotional support; relaxation; art & crafts; support with healthy lifestyles; and support to access welfare benefits advice. We also run Look Good Feel Better make-up and skin care sessions and offer help with exploring wig alternatives. We are part of the North West Anglia Foundation Trust and our range of services include the Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Centres in the our hospitals.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Cancer Wellbeing Service, Robert Horrell Macmillan Centre (501)
Peterborough City HospitalBretton Gate,
Cancer Wellbeing Service on 01733 678570
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Portsmouth
Portsmouth /
The centre offers support and information to people affected by cancer, their relatives, friends/ carers (telephone support only) and health & social care professionals. We have time to listen and discuss how cancer is affecting your life. We offer virtual and telephone counselling and signposting to hair loss clinics, welfare and benefits advice and other key services.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
B' Level, Queen Alexandra Hospital
Mary Harris, Julie Kill, Michele Wilkinson and Sarah McGuire on 02392 283323
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10.00-16.00

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre, Berkshire Cancer Centre at the Royal Berkshire Hospital
Reading /
We offer support and information to anyone who has concerns about cancer, their relatives, friends and carers. We can help with the practical and emotional aspects of living with cancer, from finance and benefits support to travel insurance. Our information is available in different languages on request and is suitable for people with learning difficulties. We can also put you in touch with other groups and organisations including MacMillan benefits advice and local support groups.
Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Information Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Berkshire Cancer Centre
Royal Berkshire Hospital
London Road
Shirley Jackson or Sarah Harding on 0118 322 8700
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday 9am – 4pm and Friday 9am – 2pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS Trust Romford
Romford /
If you're affected by cancer, the Macmillan Information and Support Centre can offer you high quality information and support in a relaxed, comfortable environment based in Queen's Hospital, Romford. Benefits/welfare advice/wig referral and complementary therapies available for patients being treated within Barking Havering and Redbridge University NHS Trust. General advise or signposting available to any local resident.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Queen's Hospital
Rom Valley Way
Alix Holmes on 01708 435174
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 10.00 -16.30

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service, Southampton
Southampton /
We offer people affected by cancer access to good quality, comprehensive and appropriate information and support. The service is run by specialist staff, supported by trained volunteers. Some of our volunteers have personal experience of living with cancer. Our staff are here to help you find the information and support that you need.
Services: Cancer information materials Counselling Information Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Self Help & Support Groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Southampton General Hospital, Level B East Wing,
East Wing Courtyard, Tremona Road,
SO16 6YD
Jo Reeves, Andrea Lodge, Mary Weavers on 02381 206037
Opening Times
10am - 4pm Mon - Fri not bank holidays
Macmillan in Surrey

East Surrey Macmillan Cancer Support Centre
Surrey /
We offer those affected by cancer additional holistic care in a friendly, informal and non-clinical environment. Whether you are a patient, carer, family member or friend, we provide a welcoming atmosphere where you can access information, get practical advice, welfare benefit advice, complementary therapies, emotional support such as counselling, support groups or simply a listening ear, at any stage of your cancer experience.
Services: Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Counselling Information Internet use available Benefits Advice Look Good, Feel Better Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
East Surrey Hospital
Canada Avenue,
Lesley Aldridge on 01737 304176
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 09.30 - 16.30

Cancer Information and Support Centre at St. Helier Hospital
Surrey /
This is a satellite service from the Macmillan Butterfly Centre at Epsom Hospital and offers cancer information, emotional support, complementary therapies and confidential counselling to people affected by cancer.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Cancer Information and Support Centre
Springall Unit, Block F (Ferguson House)
St Helier Hospital, Wrythe Lane, Carshalton,
Tarlika Patel on 020 8296 4730
Opening Times
Telephone support and face to face appointments can be accessed by contacting the Macmillan Butterfly Centre on 01372 735456, from Wednesday to Friday, 9.30am - 4.30pm

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Kingston Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, Surrey
Surrey /
You are welcome to browse through our range of information on all aspects of cancer, cancer prevention and a healthy lifestyle. A series of educational workshops are held throughout the year which will be virtual for now.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Sir William Rous Unit,Kingston Hospital,
Galsworthy Road,
Kingston Upon Thames,
Archana Sood on 0208 973 5001
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10.00 - 17.00

Macmillan Horizon Connect - virtual (On line) and phone Cancer support services
Sussex /
Virtual (online) Support Sessions available through the Macmillan Horizon Centre for anyone in Sussex: Horizon Connect – group support session; Information & support by e-mail; Managing Anxiety – group sessions; One to one Coaching; Breathing Workshop; Mindfulness; Pilates; Yoga; Cookery workshop. Phone Support available through the Macmillan Horizon Centre for anyone in Sussex: Counselling; Welfare Benefits; Information & support.
Services: Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Counselling Information Telephone helpline Benefits Advice Other services Signposting to other service
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Virtual support provided by the Horizon Centre for people who live near Brighton
Telephone on 01273 468770
Opening Times
Between 09:00 and 16:30 Monday to Friday

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service at Hillingdon
Uxbridge /
A drop-in centre for anyone affected by cancer - all welcome. The Macmillan Information and Support centre at the Hillingdon Hospital provides a wide range of emotional and practical advice for people living with cancer, their families, friends and carers. We offer guidance on complementary therapies, wig services and local counselling support. We also can advise on welfare and benefits and refer you to our local benefits advisors if necessary. We have a Cancer Rehab programme which includes how to stay fit and active after a diagnosis of cancer .We can also provide information on diet and nutrition. We have regular “Look good feel better” master classes
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Hillingdon Hospital
Pield Heath Road, Hillingdon
Susan Grace and Fiona Hussey on 01895 279169
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10.00am -15.00pm

maggiescentres.orgWhatever kind of cancer, and whatever stage you’re at – we're here with you. Many of our staff are NHS-trained and all our Cancer Support Specialists have expert knowledge about cancer and treatment.
All our support is free, and no appointment or referral is needed
For more details, select a location above.

Maggie's Cambridge
Cambridge /
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone affected by cancer is welcome – from just being diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is offered at all Maggie’s Centres, including Maggie’s “Programme of Support” which is tailored to each person’s individual need. The professional experts who work at Maggie's will guide you through practical information and emotional support to help you to find the support you need and your Programme of Support can range from advice on finances and nutrition, to stress management and relaxation, and much else. The Programme of Support is designed to help at any stage of cancer and can be accessed at your local Maggie’s Centre, as and when you need it.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
21 Milton House
Puddicombe Way
Lisa Punt on 01223 249220
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm
Maggie's in London

Maggie's at The Royal Marsden
London /
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone with cancer is welcome – from people who have just been diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to those living after treatment with recurrence, at the end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is provided by a professional team of staff at all Maggie’s Centres and includes advice on benefits and nutrition, stress management and relaxation, and much more.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Maggie's at The Royal Marsden,
The Royal Marsden,
17 Cotswold Road,
020 3982 3141
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Maggie's at The Royal Free
London /
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone with cancer is welcome – from people who have just been diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to those living after treatment with recurrence, at the end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is provided by a professional team of staff at all Maggie’s Centres and includes advice on benefits and nutrition, stress management and relaxation, and much more.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Maggie's at the Royal Free,
The Royal Free Hospital,
Pond Street,
, NW3 2QG
0203 981 4840.
Opening Times
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Maggie's Barts
London /
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone affected by cancer is welcome – whether just diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes the family and friends of people with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is offered at all Maggie’s Centres, including Maggie’s “Programme of Support” which is tailored to each person’s individual need. The professional experts who work at Maggie's will guide you through practical information and emotional support to help you to find the support you need. Your Programme of Support can range from advice on finances and nutrition, to stress management and relaxation, and much else. The Programme of Support is designed to help at any stage of cancer and can be accessed at your local Maggie’s Centre, as and when you need it.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
St Bartholomew's Hospital
West Smithfield
Michael Harrison on 0203 904 3448
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Maggie's West London
London /
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone affected by cancer is welcome – whether just diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes the family and friends of people with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is offered at all Maggie’s Centres, including Maggie’s “Programme of Support” which is tailored to each person’s individual need. The professional staff who work at Maggie's will guide you through practical information and emotional and social support to help you to find the support you need. Your Programme of Support can range from advice on finances and nutrition, to stress management and relaxation, and much else. The Programme of Support is designed to help at any stage of cancer, or following your treatment and can be accessed at your local Maggie’s Centre, as and when you need it.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Maggie's West London, Charing Cross Hospital,
Fulham Palace Road,
W6 8RF
Sinead Cope on 020 7386 1750
Opening Times
Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm (plus some evenings for specific groups)

Maggie's Oxford
Oxford /
Maggie’s Centres are places where anyone with cancer is welcome – from people who have just been diagnosed or undergoing treatment, to those living after treatment with recurrence, at the end of life or in bereavement. Maggie’s also warmly welcomes family and friends of the person with cancer. A wide range of practical information and emotional support is provided by a professional team of staff at all Maggie’s Centres and includes advice on benefits and nutrition, stress management and relaxation, and much more.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Maggie's Centre
Churchill Hospital, Old Road
Claire Marriott, Centre Head on 01865 751882
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Paul’s Cancer Support Centre are here to help people affected by cancer, their families, and anyone who supports them, from our centre in Battersea and through our Home Visiting Service.
For more details, select a location above.

Paul's Cancer Support Centre
London /
Paul’s Centre provides a range of services for people affected by cancer, their family and friends. Our services can be used at any stage – from diagnosis and beyond. We offer each person an initial appointment with a member of our support team which aims to: to understand their experience of cancer (including as a family member or friend of someone with cancer); explain our services in more detail and help them to decide which services would be most suitable for them. Our Centre is wheelchair accessible.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Exercise Support Group Yoga
20 – 22 York Road
SW11 3QA
Support Team on 020 7924 3924
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 10am -1pm and 2pm - 5pmfor telephone calls only.

Romsey Cancer Support Centre Jane Scarth House we are here for people whose lives are affected by cancer.
For more details, select a location above.

Romsey Cancer Support Centre, Jane Scarth House
Romsey /
Romsey Cancer Support Centre, Jane Scarth House, is a walk-in centre which offers practical and emotional support to anyone living with cancer, whether it is the patient or their family or carer. Our services are available free of charge to anyone living within reach of Romsey and include: Counselling (all counsellors are BACP accredited); Meditation; Aromatherapy; Reflexology; Reiki; Indian Head Massage; Relaxing Facial Massage; Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Techniques (this is a non-clinical therapy which can help alleviate the symptoms of lymphoedema.
Befriending Bereavement support Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Counselling Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Financial Support Massage Support Group
Jane Scarth House
37a The Hundred
SO51 8GE
Contact the Romsey Cancer Support Centre on 01794 830374
Opening Times
Monday – Friday, 10am – 4.30pm

The Fountain Centre
fountaincentre.orgThe Fountain Centre was established in 1998 by three social/healthcare professionals Gail Maguire, Charlotte McDowell and Nicky Bracey, together with Monica Rowland, a supporter of the holistic approach.
For more details, select a location above.

The Fountain Centre
Surrey /
The Fountain Centre is an independant charity for cancer patients, their families and carers located in the St Luke’s cancer unit at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford. We offer advice, counselling and a huge range of complementary therapies, in a calming and relaxed atmosphere.
Services: Cancer Information materials
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Exercise Hairpieces Massage Support Group Yoga
The Fountain, St Luke’s Cancer Centre
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust Foundation,
Egerton Road
Anne Pike on 01483 406618
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm. Friday 9am to 4.30pm

The Royal Marsden NHS Trust
royalmarsden.nhs.ukAt The Royal Marsden, we deal with cancer every day so we understand how valuable life is. And when people entrust their lives to us, they have the right to demand the very best.
For more details, select a location above.

Royal Marsden Help Centre
London /
Confidential chat and support, information-giving and signposting to necessary services is available, as is internet access and a small library of information materials. Booklets and leaflets are provided on request. Staff can also assist in communication between yourself and your medical team if requested. In Chelsea, the Help Centre is opposite the Medical Day Unit In Sutton, the Help Centre is in the main entrance This offers support to all patients, their families and friends at any stage of their cancer experience. Where appropriate, the Help Centre can refer you to other professionals for specialist or more long-term support.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Research Support Group
The Royal Marsden Chelsea
Fulham Road
0800 783 7176
Opening Times
9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday

The Sara Lee Trust
saraleetrust.orgSupporting people affected by cancer and other life threatening illnesses in Hastings and Rother
For more details, select a location above.

The Sara Lee Trust
Bexhill on Sea /
Supporting people affected by cancer and other life threatening illnesses in Hastings and Rother
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Exercise Massage Support Group
54 Ninfield Road
St Leonards on Sea
Bexhill on Sea
TN39 5BD

Wessex Cancer Trust year around 23,000 people are diagnosed with cancer within the Wessex region. A diagnosis can be a shock and have a huge impact on an entire family. Wessex Cancer Trust helps and supports anyone affected by cancer regardless of age, gender or type of cancer. Our dedicated team are committed to offering free support for as long as people need it, away from a hospital environment.
For more details, select a location above.

Wessex Cancer Trust - Bournemouth Cancer Support Centre
Bournemouth /
At all of their free Cancer Support Centres, clients are welcomed by their volunteer befrienders who are equipped to provide information, support and a listening ear. Their team of specialist counsellors are there to help deal with the emotional impact of cancer and their complementary therapists aim to improve well-being, help with pain management and increase self-confidence.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Choir Education & Information Exercise Hospital Transport Service Support Group
Bourne House
23 Hinton Road
Steffi Colbert on 01202 315824

Wessex Cancer Trust - Chandler's Ford Cancer Support Centre
Eastleigh /
At all of their free Cancer Support Centres, clients are welcomed by their volunteer befrienders who are equipped to provide information, support and a listening ear. Their team of specialist counsellors are there to help deal with the emotional impact of cancer and their complementary therapists aim to improve well-being, help with pain management and increase self-confidence.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Choir Education & Information Exercise Hospital Transport Service Support Group
91-95 Winchester Road
Chandler’s Ford
SO53 2GG
Jane Wooton on 023 8051 6576
Opening Times
Monday – Thursday 10am – 4pm

Wessex Cancer Trust - Waterside Cancer Support Centre
Hythe /
The team of specialist counsellors are there to help deal with the emotional impact of cancer and their complementary therapists aim to improve well-being, help with pain management and increase self-confidence.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Choir Education & Information Exercise Hospital Transport Service Support Group
The Grove
25 St John's Street
SO45 6BZ
Telephone on 023 8178 0409
Opening Times
Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm

Wessex Cancer Trust - Isle of Wight Cancer Support Centre
Isle of Wight /
All of their free Cancer Support Centres, clients are welcomed by their volunteer befrienders who are equipped to provide information, support and a listening ear. Their team of specialist counsellors are there to help deal with the emotional impact of cancer and their complementary therapists aim to improve well-being, help with pain management and increase self-confidence. As well as offering hypnotherapy and events the centres offers advice on travel options and costs if you need to cross the Solent for treatment and free mainland transport for cancer treatment appointments in Southampton and Portsmouth.
Services: Befriending Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Counselling Information Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Choir Education & Information Exercise Hospital Transport Service Support Group
21 Lugley Street
Isle of Wight
PO30 5HD
Telephone on 01983 524186
Opening Times
Tuesday – Friday 10am – 2pm

Working with Cancer the conversation about work and cancer
For more details, select a location above.

Working with Cancer
Sussex /
Working With Cancer® helps employees, employers, the self-employed, job seekers and carers to manage cancer and work.
We coach, train and advise employers on how to successfully manage cancer in the workplace, and we coach and guide individuals affected by cancer on returning to work, remaining in work or finding employment at any stage during or after cancer treatment, including those living with advanced, secondary or terminal cancer.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Support Group
Catchment Area