South East England

Macmillan Macmillan, we won’t rest, and we won’t settle for anything other than the best possible support for people with cancer.
We do whatever it takes.
For more details, select a location above.

Hampshire Macmillan Citizens Advice Service
Basingstoke /
The Hampshire Macmillan Citizens Advice Service gives free, impartial and confidential advice on a variety of issues, including benefits, housing, employment and debt. This Service is for anyone with cancer who is being treated in or living in Hampshire, including Portsmouth,Southampton and Isle of Wight, their relatives, friends and carers. We can also provide help with benefit appeals and applying for one-off payments like Macmillan grants.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital
Aldermaston Road
RG24 9NA
Macmillan Caseworker on 0344 847 7727
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm for telephone help. Messages can be left outside of these times. Please get in touch for information on face to face appointments.
Catchment Area
For people living in or being treated in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, including residents of Portsmouth and Southampton.

The Macmillan Horizon Centre Welfare Benefits Advice Service
Brighton /
The Welfare Benefits Service at the Macmillan Horizon Centre in Brighton has been funded by Macmillan Cancer Support, advice is supplied by different agencies Brighton and Hove Citizens Advice, Central and South Sussex Citizens Advice, Brighton Housing Trust and Money Advice Plus. The service provides a free, confidential welfare benefits advice service to people affected by cancer and their carers, throughout Sussex. We are able to provide advice by appointment either at the Horizon Centre or over the telephone. We can advise and assist with applications for all welfare benefits, including: Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payment, Employment and Support Allowance, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Tax Credits, Pension Credit, etc. Benefits Appeals and Reviews, applying for a Blue Badge and grants including Macmillan Grants. Referral for debt problems, information and signposting for other issues such as wills, pensions, housing, or employment problems.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
The Macmillan Horizon Centre
2 Bristol Gate
Administrator on Phone / Text: 07483 171 832
Opening Times
The service is available Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. To book an appointment or speak to the Administrator please call between 10am and 3pm or you are welcome to leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.
Catchment Area
People affected by cancer living in Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex

Suffolk, Norfolk & Cambridgeshire Macmillan Benefits Advice Service
Cambridge /
We provide free and confidential benefits advice to people affected by cancer and their families. We can advise you on a wide range of issues including what benefits you’re eligible for, how to maximise your income, support with appeals, tax credits, grants, housing costs and transport concessions. This includes: identification of all benefits and support with applications and form completion; support to access and apply for one off payments such as Macmillan Grants help with Blue Badge applications.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
One Place Hub Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road,
Macmillan Benefits Advice Service on 0345 600 6257
Opening Times
Appointment times Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10 am and 4pm
Catchment Area
Cancer patients and their families attending Addenbrookes

The Macmillan Poole and Bournemouth Welfare Benefits Advice Service
Dorset /
This advice service provides welfare benefits advice and income maximisation. The service is delivered through home visits in the Poole and Bournemouth area. This is a self referral service made by phone, letter or email.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Poole Citizens Advice
Poole Civic Centre, Room 40,
Sandbanks Road
BH15 2RU
Leigh Nelson, Macmillan Welfare Caseworker (Poole area) on 01202 644473 or Helen Brown , Macmillan Welfare Caseworker (Bournemouth area)
Opening Times
Mon-Fri 9am - 4.30pm (when the advisers are out of the office on home visits please leave a message on the answerphone and we will return your call)
Catchment Area

Macmillan East Sussex Welfare Benefits Advice Service
Eastbourne /
The service offers free and impartial advice on the full range of welfare benefits. We offer benefits entitlement assessment, help to claim benefits (completion of forms), challenge decisions including appeals, access Macmillan grants and other charitable funds. Initial telephone appointments but face to face appointments at home or community venue arranged where appropriate. One-off advice or on going case work as required. Signposting of other financial and debt problems to appropriate free organisations where required
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
2nd Floor, 182-184 Terminus Road,
BN21 3BB
Katrina Burton - Macmillan Administrative Support Worker. on 01323 635989
Opening Times
Office hours: 9am-5pm, Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm, Friday.
Catchment Area
East Sussex

BHRUT Macmillan Welfare Advice Service
Essex /
We provide free and confidential benefits advice to people living with cancer and their families. We can advise you on a range of issues including what benefits you're eligible for, how to maximise your income, appeals, tax credits, grants, housing costs and transport concessions. Please note, appointments are at Queen’s Hospital Romford, or King George’s in Goodmayes (no home visits appointments are available).
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Oncology DepartmentQueens Hospital,
Rom Valley Way
Opening Times
Telephone opening hours are Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm (service does not offer drop-in appointments)

Macmillan Welfare and Benefits Advice Service – Sir Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre, Harrogate
Harrogate /
We provide free and confidential benefits advice to patients with a cancer diagnosis and their carers. As well as benefit entitlement checks and help completing the forms, we can assist in applying for grants you may be entitled to and also look at other ways of maximising your income and reducing your outgoings.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Sir Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre
1 Willaston Crescent
Phil Bremner on 01423 557318
Opening Times
9.30am-4.30pm, and is accessible by appointment or telephone.

Macmillan Oxford Citizens Advice Benefits Service
Headington /
The service provides comprehensive, independent, confidential and impartial welfare benefits advice and support to people affected by cancer. The key aim is to maximise the income of people with cancer, their carers and families. In addition, the service provides information and advice to health and social care professionals about the financial help available to people with cancer. The service provides support over the phone and by email, as well as face-to-face support through drop-in sessions and appointments. The service is largely based at the Radiotherapy outpatients where benefits advice is provided in the context of wider support.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Radiotherapy Outpatients, Cancer and Haematology Centre
Churchill Hospital
Old Road,
Celia Gale on 01865 227083
Opening Times
Drop in 9.30 - 1pm daily.
Catchment Area
Oxfordshire and surrounding counties. People being treated for cancer at the Oxford University Hospital Trust
Macmillan in Kent

Macmillan Welfare Advice Service (East Kent)
Kent /
Free and confidential Welfare Benefits Advice Service to clients affected by cancer and their families. Benefits entitlements, Income maximisation, appeals, tax credits, charitable grants, housing costs, transport concessions.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
3, Westgate Hall Road
Telephone on 01227 762122
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 9.30 - 4.30pm
Catchment Area
East Kent

The Medway Council & Macmillan Welfare Benefits Services
Kent /
The Medway Council and Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service provide free and confidential specialist advice, advocacy and information on welfare benefit entitlements to cancer patients and their families living with cancer. We can help with form completion, advocacy and representation at appeal tribunals. Our service is based at Medway Council’s Gun Wharf office and we offer home visits, if necessary, to complete full benefit checks and help with form filling.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Medway Council, Customer and Business Support
Level 4, Gun Wharf, Dock Road,
Telephone on 01634 333511
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 8.30 – 5.15
Catchment Area
Postcode area ME1 – ME8 including Medway residents in the ME9 postcode area

The Medway Council & Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service - Maidstone
Kent /
The Medway Council and Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service provide free and confidential specialist advice and information on welfare benefit entitlements to cancer patients and their families living with cancer. This service is open to patients receiving treatment through the Kent Oncology Centre who can either attend a weekly Wednesday surgery at Maidstone Hospital or a telephone consultation can be requested. We do not offer home visits but for in-patient’s at Maidstone Hospital we can arrange a ward visit.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Kent Oncology Centre, Maidstone Hospital
Hermitage Lane
ME16 9QQ
Telephone on 01622 227 064
Opening Times
Wednesday – appointments at 10am; 11am; 1pm;' 2pm
Catchment Area
Anyone receiving treatment through The Kent Oncology Centre
Macmillan in London

Macmillan Citizens Advice Bureau Service
London /
Referrals can be made by CSNs, dDctors, other Healthcare Professionals and members of the public, by telephone or by online contact form:
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
48 - 50 Portland Road
South Norwood
SE25 4PQ
Staff at the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre on 020 8725 2677
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5pm

Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service
London /
Our service provides a weekly free and confidential specialist Welfare Rights service by appointment for cancer patients having treatment at King's College Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals, University Hospital Lewisham, and Queen Elizabeth Hospital. We can advise on a range of issues including entitlement to benefits, completing benefit forms, appealing against benefit decisions, representation at tribunals, providing information on assistance with health costs such as prescriptions and travel to hospital, transport concessions such as disabled parking badge, accessing charitable grants and housing costs.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Citizens Advice Southwark
Macmillan and Dimbleby,
97 Peckham High Street
SE15 5RS
Kymberly Goh on 020 7732 5386
Opening Times
Advice by appointment only. Phone line open Monday – Friday 9:30am-5pm for self-referrals. Please leave a message with name and phone number if not answered
Catchment Area
Criteria is that client is a patient at the hospital mentioned above rather than where they live.

Citizens Advice Camden Macmillan Welfare Advice Service at the Royal Free Hospital
London /
The service provides free, confidential and impartial advice on money, work, housing, transport and other issues.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street
Telephone on 020 7794 0500 ext 37698
Opening Times
Monday to Friday by appointment
Catchment Area
We can help any patient who is being treated for cancer at the Royal Free Hospital or their carers.

UCLH Macmillan Benefits and Welfare Rights Service
London /
Our welfare and benefits team provide support and advice on all aspects of welfare and benefits to University College London Hospitals patients who have cancer or a blood conditions, and their carers. The team can: Find out what benefits you’re entitled to; Help you to apply for benefits; Support you if you’re going through a benefits tribunal; Give advice about other financial support; Signpost you to other specialist services, or services local to you. NB There’s a two to three week wait for an appointment for more complex queries.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
UCLH Macmillan Cancer Centre
Huntley Street
Liz Kingdon, Assistant General Manager on 020 3447 8663 (main number for centre)
Opening Times
Our welfare and benefits advisers currently offer a telephone service. Call 020 3447 8663 to arrange an appointment. Simple queries will be answered in the next available phone clinic which are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11.30am to 1.30pm

Macmillan Toynbee Hall Welfare Rights Service
London /
The service provides advice, advocacy and information on welfare benefits and entitlements to people affected by cancer living in the London boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and the City of London. The helpline adviser can provide straight forward advice and information and can also signpost clients to a service in their immediate area. For those under the care of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Whipps Cross Hospital, Royal London Hospital, Homerton hospital and Newham University Hospital, complex enquiries can be referred on to the Welfare Rights caseworkers based at each. The service is free, impartial and confidential.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
28 Commercial Street
E1 6LS
020 7392 2958
Opening Times
Service available: The opening time for this service / Helpline is12.30pm to 3.30pm, Monday to Thursday
Catchment Area
London Boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, City of London, and outpatients affected by cancer at St Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield EC1A 7BE and Newham University Hospital,Whipps Cross Hospital, Royal London Hospital, Homerton Hospital

Macmillan Benefits Advice Service - Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Hospital
London /
We will advise you on your welfare benefit entitlements, in order to maximise your income. This is a free and confidential service. Monday and Tuesday {Royal Brompton Hospital} Wednesday and Thursday {Harefield Hospital}
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Hospital
Mezzaine Floor, Fulham Wing
Patricia McNamara on 0207 351 8060
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday, 09.30-16.30
Catchment Area
This service is only available for inpatients and outpatients of the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS trust only

Macmillan Berkshire Benefits Service
Reading /
We provide free, confidential and impartial benefits advice to people living with cancer and their families. We can advise you on a range of issues including what benefits you’re eligible for, how to maximise your income, and help with appeals, grants, and transport costs. This service can only be accessed if you’ve been referred to us. This is normally done by a health professional, such as your specialist nurse; however, you can also request a referral by contacting a Macmillan Information Centre
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Berkshire Cancer Centre
Royal Berkshire Hospital
London Road
Telephone Royal Berkshire Hospital on 0118 322 8700
Opening Times
By appointment only, after referral
Catchment Area
All cancer patients and their families living in and/or receiving treatment in Berkshire

Macmillan Benefits Service - Wiltshire Citizens Advice
Salisbury /
The service provides comprehensive, independent, confidential and impartial allowances and benefits advice and support to people affected by cancer. The key aim is to maximise the income of people with cancer, their carers and families. In addition, the service provides information and advice to health and social care professionals about the financial help available to people with cancer. The service provides support over the phone and by email, as well as face-to-face support on an appointment basis at Salisbury District Hospital and at the Citizens Advice Wiltshire Salisbury office.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Macmillan Benefits Adviser, Wiltshire Citizens Advice
Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre,
Hulse Road,
Paul Tunnicliffe and Sian Aspden on 01722 441393
Opening Times
9am - 5pm Tuesday to Friday
Catchment Area
Wiltshire and patients attending Salisbury District Hospital

Macmillan/Citizens Advice Guildford Welfare Benefits Service
Surrey /
The Macmillan Welfare Rights Service provides advice, advocacy and information on welfare benefits and entitlements to people affected by cancer living in Guildford, Waverly, Surrey Heath. We help with applying for benefits, cost of travel for treatment, blue badges, appealing against decisions, accessing charity grants and other problems such as employment and housing. Help is given primarily over the phone. Hospital visits are arranged when necessary and it is also possible to meet up with the client at their place of treatment. If the client lives outside of the area covered by the service, then the client may be referred to a nearer advice centre. Advice can also be given via email.
Category: Benefit Advice Services
Tagged: Education & Information Financial Support Support Group
Guildford Citizens Advice
15-21 Haydon Place,
Emma Scanlon on 01483 230849
Opening Times
10am-4pm, Monday-Friday. Messages can be left any day, at any time on the office answer machine and will be responded to during office hours asap.
Catchment Area
Boroughs of Guildford, Surrey Heath & Waverley.